Juan Osorio was not called and responded to Daniela Berriel’s father

Read what the producer Juan Osorio habló about the case of Daniela Berriel, who denounced the actor Gonzalo ‘N’ as the accomplishment of the sexual assault that Sufrió in Acapulco had one year ago; and although it assures that the history of the history of history is abated, all these acts have consequences.

Although it is important to ensure that no aggression is perpetrated against aggression against women, even some deafortunados comments hacia Daniela, pues dijo que ojalá the actress no hubiera decided to take this type of medidas by llamar la attention: “We hope that it will actually be able to seize everything today, and there will be no moment to recover,” he said at the time.

In the meantime, these statements will be read to the members of the Berriel family, then in social media a user, who will be the father of the actress, exploited against the famous producer, tachándolo no soloist “Stupid, is the father of Daniela Berriel, Victim of two cobwebs. If it’s commented by me, I’ve been hopeful that it’s not enough to sober up. Eres un machista e igual de cobarde ”, written.

Prosecute: I’m indignant that there is an escoria like you, my wife is a victim and you should express yourself to her. Make sure you have enough time to make sure you are able to defend the type of person you are ”.

Juan Osorio alza la voz

Ante is this controversial statements, hace one instantly through his social speeches Juan Osorio led a public disclosure to Dani ya his dad for his unfortunate comments.

Además de dejar en claro que tomo the decision to replace Gonzalo ‘N’ in the telenovela that produces ¿Qué le pasa a mi familia?

“With pain and remorse, I’ve given the car to Daniela Berriel and her father, Mario Berriel, for commenting and disliking me, and ofrezco a disqualification. At no point do we want to offer, but we also take the opportunity to give it a go and offer a discount. And because of this, the decision to change the actor within the novel ¿Qué le pasa a mi familia ?, because I am completely in agreement and support the women. Señor Mario, una disculpa. Daniela, de verdad, de corazón ”.

Hast the moment so Berriel as his father did not respond.

Juan Osorio alza la voz
