Juan Ignacio Dinenno recibió elta médica en Pumas

Soplan changes came from Pedregal’s lads. Juan Ignacio Dinenno received the old medicine and trained it by its companions in the session of this March on the late afternoon of four weeks of auspices. The Argentine artillery will be available for the compromise that will be disputed Pumas ante Leon the nearest domingo.

Dinenno sufrió una lesion lesierde grado 2 de biceps crural izquierdo in the party before the Mazatlán, and the initial prognosis is an estimated period of recovery over the course of weeks, as long as the suramerican artillery has complied with the conjunction with the medical corps workers of the universities.

It’s embarrassing, but it’s ready to go Andrés Lillini dispose of his scorer for the final edition Guardians 2020 of this Sunday 20 February. With the incorporation of Gabriel Torres at the auriazul plant, the Argentine technician will have the most recovery time in Dinegol to avoid a recurrence.


The initiation of the tournament is a pain in the ass for Pumas. The felines encadan four consecutive jornadas sin conocer la victoria, sumado a que tres de ellas se cuentan por derrotas. One of the causes of this bad moment is the lack of goal that the team lives on: since Dinenno was injured, the team did not score in both of their games.

This situation is very serious UNAM is positioned in case 13 with five unanimous monkeys, ubicación que a estas alturas los dejaría por fuera de la Liguilla finale. On the rival of the 7th jornada, Leon, tampoco passes for his best moment, the current champions are penultimate with 4 points.

Buenos: if you are looking for a plant

Common: faltaron refuerzos

Malo: the team lost quality
