Juan Gabriel. The day he regained his music during the concert: VIDEO

Mexico City /

Juan Gabriel is one of the most recognizable personalities in Mexican popular culture, and it is that the musical legacy that day the song is inconceivable. Great music and composer, El Divo de Juárez has a great talent and so does the demonstration in each of his live performances.

In the last days a viral presentation of Juanga from the year 2005 in the city of Fresno California, the world has passed on the history of the past moment in the the song regained its melodies on the whole concert, debit to what iban at the time of the song.

Luego de que no lo dejaran terminar la stroffa “No vale la pena” a su stylil, El Divo de Juárez volteó enojado hacia sus músicos y les advertising that continues with the music when he has not finished singing.

“Mucha prisa, ¿mucha prisa, no?”, Se escucha decirles.

Acto seguido, Juan Gabriel comenzó a proba a sus músicos haciendo pausien in la canción y bromeando al respecto, muy a su stylil Cabe recordar que El Divo solia only makes one of his presentations and songs once sonaban igual, pues le gustaba jugar con su voz y con las melodías. Sharing the video.

“A ver, ¿que se siente? Tienen que esperar, y ya el finale lo hago yo. Y se veían guapos eh, eran como pa ‘llevarse”, bromeó.

