Juan Fernando Quintero annotó su primer golazo con Shenzhen – Fútbol Internacional – Deportes

Vea el golazo que anotó el volante colombiano con el FC van Shenzhen.

Juan Fernando Quintero

Juan Fernando Quintero, Colombian footballer.


March 03, 2021, 11:43 am

The Colombian flight Juan Fernando Quintero hizo su debut debutant with the Shenzhen FC, a lie that these fairy tales antacate a spectacular goulash in a friendly party against the Changchun Yatai.

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Quintero hizo a goal with his cello. Receive the balloon by the right band, start to close the medial of the area mededinger hasta sacar un remate, which is metió in lower angle izquierdo del arquero contests.

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The match ends with Victoria for the Shenzen by 3-1. From a few quinto commenza to gain the admiration of the hinchas. In its debut, the last week of the week, she had an assistance.


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