Juan Carlos Zevallos: Ecuador’s Minister of Health renounces scandal over a list of VIP vacancies | Sociedad

The Minister of Health of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Zevallos, explained to a volunteer the evacuation process against covid-19, the 21st of January in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
The Minister of Health of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Zevallos, explained to a volunteer the evacuation process against covid-19, the 21st of January in Guayaquil, Ecuador.Gerardo Menoscal / Getty

The cargo was the most questioned in a pandemic and the most criticized were the critics of these fires in the Government of Ecuador. The Minister of Health, Juan Carlos Zevallos, presented at the hearing the controversial issue of the evacuation plan against covid-19. One day it was announced that the country would receive a million Sinovac vacancies between March and April and announce that a periodic radio broadcast had received its dose as part of the vacancy official plan, Zevallos would leave the ministry and be transparent it is called as VIP list of vacancies. ‘Hay strangers only mistakes. Respect this opinion. I prefer to record to the Minister that he accepts the difficult tariff to lead the peace of the country in the health crisis that Ecuador lives in the world “, Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno said in a message on Twitter.

In the notice card, published by the mandate, the salient minister defends his management. “Entrego is a functional country that anticipates certain decisions, which in many moments constitute and refer to the region. The policies of Salud allow you to reach the end of your Government more than two Millions of people are evacuated, ”writes Zevallos. This morning the Minister will take over the cargo on March 21, a week after Ecuador enters quarantine. His predecessor said the cargo was criticized for lack of protective materials for the drugs and PCR tests.

For his management, the miles of deaths at the beginning of the pandemic in Guayaquil, with dozens of applause and applause in the calls before the crisis that sovereignly passed the march of March. Hay is still 62 people who can not adopt the fallecieron, and that he is no longer identifications.

Zevallos is also being investigated by the Fiscalia for presumably trafficking influenza debits in the distribution of vacancies within the covid-19 that empezaron to read in the country in January. It has been announced that more than 50,000 will be in a first round, with Pfizer raising 8,910, which has been distributed exclusively among the first-line medical staff and mayors of 65 years residing in geriatric centers. Después, llegaron 16.500 y esta seman una tercera remesa de 17.500 dosis. Following the official plans, in March it will be necessary to initiate the massive evacuation while concluding the first stages of immunization of high-risk personnel. Only Gobierno’s opening to buy now vacancies made in China, pay the initial retentions, allow the process to be agilized.

In the sequel, follow the scandal. In the first days of vacancy, we will receive a dose of the proposition of Minister Zevallos, his mother and President Lenín Moreno. “Lo hice en mi quality de ministro de Salud, en mi quality de doctor y en mi quality de hijo. I have a very lament and a very profound manner in which my presence is perceptive of a negative manner; “If this is not a political impediment on my part, I am not a politician, I am not a politician,” he said.

The press and citizens were constantly required to sign the Transparency of Health on the list of preferential vacancies, a petition that was always filed alleging confidentiality on the dates of the immunizations. Todo el gabinete gubernamental salió ‘n verdediger al ministro. An “extraordinary officer”, repeating from the presidency. Aún no se ha nombrado a su sustituto.

