Joven colombiana odia a Colombia: “Odio Colombia, pero me tocó aguantarme porque soy de acá”: Instagramer | Maintenance

A young lady named Daniela Ardila, who appeared on Instagram like @danielaardilam, desperto the indignation of many Colombians for some stories that go down in profile on the one who decided that odiaba in Colombia should have been born and lived in the country.

La chica estaba hablando de hacer su vida en otro país y dijo que do not tend to have problems reading and working as a knife, but if you have a knife in Colombia, sí le daría pena y ahí comenzó a opinar sobre el país.

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“I could work with a knife, and I felt it for a moment; digamos que en Colombia sí, gas, pero en otro país ni me da pena coger bus; aca me da asco, miedo, todo. Ustedes saben que yo odio Colombia, pero bueno, soy de acá, me tocó aguantarme and nothing to do, ”said young Daniela.

Book of his words, commence to receive sciences of critics and insults; probe ban, la joven quiso verdediger y aseguró que fue tergiversada su opinión, which refers to the labor conditions of the Netherlands and therefore wishes to do so; and that the asco coger bus is by the insecurity and the violence of gender that suffers the women in these vehicles.

Explain the intent of his words, the criticisms and the continuing insults, and the words of the young man ‘avivaron el fuego’, by which she decided to follow her Instagram profile.
