Joss Favela confesses to Clarissa Molina that she is his “platonic love” | Show El Gordo y La Flaca

Motivated by the 33rd edition Premio Lo Nuestro, the Dominican has a character with Joss Favela, who is nominated in both categories and will perform alongside Jessi Uribe to interpret the theme ‘The Alumno’.

Clarissa has created a series of questions sent by the public, the stars are focused on saber balls are the artist’s tastes when it comes to women. The first fue: ¿ What requirements do you need to have a woman so that Joss Favela can return to his pies? The one he contested was: “To be able to go to some kind of thing you have to have other things that are not only physical”.

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The conductor who will be part of the program Night of Estrellas, the antesala of Premio Lo Nuestro, quiso saber qué is lo primée que él veía en una mujer a nivel fiskico y el interprete de ‘Tú y yo’ afirmó sin dudar: “las piernas … soja muy piernero. I was not imported if I did not have anything (no reference to the superior part of the anatomy), only the piercings ”.

A la interrogante ¿te gustan las mujeres con kirugía o más natural ?, Favela señaló: ” I like nature or with surgery, yo no soy de los que dice ‘está bien guapa, pero estar operada’, pues qué tiene “.

During the chronicle of his interview, the poem Clarissa indicates: “All I have very well that our friends my puso a sudar to make a question: ‘Please declare the number of a platonic love‘”. The song, which echoes the mirada and agrarianizes its characteristic barb signal: “Empieza con ‘C’ y termina con ‘Larissa’ y luego el otro empieza con ‘M’ y termina con ‘Olina'” querida presenter.

With nervousness, Clarissa Molina declares that the second bicycle in her department has no due

Clarissa’s reaction was one “Excuse meeee”, followed by a carcajada. Ante this reaction, to Joss Favela solely the quedó decir: “Yo sé que es platónico, a lo mejun nunca va a trascender en ese sentido, pero I like green, gusta platicar contigo ”.

At the end of the note, Raúl de Molina the day to Clarissa that appears that Joss Favela settled and verdad enamorado de ella, and the dominican confession that the Mexican regional song is really “puso en apuros tras esa revelation y no sabía qué hacer at this moment.

