Joseph Stalin, the “hecho hecho de acero” who purged the Soviet Union

March 1, 1953, Joseph Stalin no pidió el desayuno. And the creations and guards are the inquisition, but they are allowed to enter their dwelling. It was found around 10 o’clock last night, when a package from the Central Committee of Moscow was read out, that its mayor had decided to close the door of the apartment. The encounter took place on the floor, with the call of the meeting of the previous night, and cases could not happen. Murió cuatro días después. Tenía 75 years.

Este viernes se cumplen 68 años de la muerte de one of the most sanguine dictators which confronts Humanity. Knowing the character, his eccentricities and his actions a hoy despiertan curiosity.

Stalin was Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 and President of the Council of Ministers from 1941 to 1953, fundamentally was a dictator which centralizes power in its figure and logos converts to Russia semifeudal principles of sail XX, in an economic and military power that has a decisive role in the allied victory during the Second World War.

Historical photo.  Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference.  Photo: archive Clarín

Historical photo. Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference. Photo: archive Clarín

His name is era Joseph Vissariónovich Dzhugashvili, but adopted the pseudonym of Stalin (hecho de acero, in ruso). Born in what is currently the territory of Georgia, December 18, 1878. Released 74 years ago.

His first victories with the power were produced by his relationship with the Bolsheviks that pulsated the October 1927 revolution. Secretary-General of the Communist Party.

Lenin does not trust Stalin, but he is on the receiving end, informing that Lenin has written to alert the politicians about him. The nurse, Lenin, could not defend her position.

With a strategy audition, when Lenin, Stalin murmured, he did not give any eulogies, and was one of the most important leaders of the revolution. This is a very positive position for Stalin.

All the power.  Stalin led to the death of millions of people by fire or by forced labor in Siberia.

All the power. Stalin led to the death of millions of people by fire or by forced labor in Siberia.

The Secretary General will be able to identify his most immediate partners and comment on them. purgatory systematic aircraft, as was the case with Leon Trotsky, who was very critical of Stalin. The first dictatorship of the Soviet Union was declared in 1929, and it was established in Mexico in 1940.

A poor salute

Tras agonize various days, Stalin murmured of a vascular cerebro attack on March 5, 1953, según the official version.

The life of the dictator is marked by countless health problems. On the other hand, there is a virtual sufrió, enfermed that the day marks and scars all over his car. 12 years ago there was an accident with a horse-drawn carriage and it was broken into. This is also the second day. You are an adult patient of psoriasis. But it was from 1950 onwards that his health began to decline. And since the 70 years of his memory empezó a fallarle and its physical condition in general is noticeably strong.

Josef Stalin (izq.) And Nikolai Bukharin in 1930. Photo: AP

Josef Stalin (izq.) And Nikolai Bukharin in 1930. Photo: AP

His personal physician, Vladimir Vinográdov, diagnosed him acute hypertension and initiates a treatment based on lozenges and injections and also the suggestion that reduces its functions in the governing body, such as Stalin tomo muy mal, and considered to be a conspiracy in the medical council. Echo to Vinográdov and decided not to follow his treatment. Order ordered by conspiracy along with various variants of his medical corps, during Stalin’s death salvo to Vinográdov of an assigned case inevitably.

Eccentricities and power

This type of dictator who concentrates so much can have a large amount of eccentricities Joseph Stalin enjoys much to reunite to immortalize. Sus comidas podían llegar a durar up to six hours, with games and bebidas. Y en esos almuerzos ofrecía lo mejor de la comida georgiana, ‘n basis de ajo, nueces, ciruela y granadilla.

The entire chef-chef established Spiridon Putin, the current president of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Photograph facilitated by Penguin Random House, featuring Stalin and his wife Svetlana Alliluyeva.  Photo: EFE

Photograph facilitated by Penguin Random House, featuring Stalin and his wife Svetlana Alliluyeva. Photo: EFE

What interests Stalin most about his immortality is his enormous sobriety that he is accompanied by liters and liters of vodka. Mentras his allegados to Poder baby, Stalin disimulaba and cambiaba the guardian for water, lo that the facilitator provides important information to his guests that llegaban to state states in the unconscious.

His strategic abilities, his impressive personality and fundamentally the kind that he generates with the purges, Stalin’s hiccups this male “hecho de acero”, both for allegations and allegiance. Famous fueron los destierros in Siberia of its political counterparts, where the temperatures are very close to the unbearable numbers of tolerable. The ideas, and many concrete opportunities, to create concentration camps to help them alone.

Since a few years ago, the ancient city of Stalingrad has been known as Volgograd, with the intention of seeking to deprive Russia of its Stalinist past. And read about the 2018 World Cup football matches.

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