Josefa Castillo has increased the nomination of the Superintendence from 22 to 26 million

Santo Domingo, RD.

Josefa Castillo, appointed by President Luis Abinader as head of the Superintendence of Security, made sure that from his entry into the institution he canceled some 300 employees of the approximately 640 who were to be nominated.

Aseguró que a pesar de las cancelancas la nomina ha amentado, ya que la encontro en 22 millones de pesos yla ha lelevado a 26 millones con la nuesas designations des ha realized.

“I have named the name because I want to name it, but he has it with all the qualities, because we have smokers Human resources during the period 2000-2004 and we have high number of points for him prepared our staff to prevent misconduct and are can see that the result is positive, has no problem of effectiveness “, said Castillo to participate in the death of the Corripio Group.

Ensure that staff redundancies are carried out in respect of the establishment of the Public Administration Office, as long as the staff members have been appointed to the office in order to be separated from the steps taken to cancel it. ‘n a persona.

“It’s a goblin cambio, where a lot of people are 16-20 years old and live. “No one can come to anyone here who can be assisted because he has been discredited by political supporters, because he is a governing body, you know why, because when we blocked everything in 2004 he said nothing,” he said.

Formally, he indicated that he had personally given the governor anterior because he had an extraordinary job.
