Josef Martínez makes sure he’s a new footballer

Atlanta United echoed less than Josef Martínez, his star-studded delirium, which was practically lost in the 2020 MLS season due to an injury to the cruciate ligament anterior to the right shoulder. The Venezuelan ariete has been integrated into the activity and little by little he has touched the pelota of new account, listening in this way to his ankle regress to the canches.

Josef launched a message on his social media making sure he was a football player of the new account and warning that there would be regression in the past. “I want to live with the sensations that stewing will last for a very long time. La cancha, la pelota y, sobre todo: sentirme futbolista otra vez. Congratulations. 2021 comienza bien; everything is always looking for. Soon we will see the air ”, posted on his Twitter account.

Atlanta,’n ser protagonista otra vez

2020 was a complicated year for Atlanta United, with regular season quadrants placed in the antepenultim position of the Conference Este with 22 points cosechados luego de 23 fechas. This franchise will not be able to play in the playoffs and will be hosting a free trial to highlight the value of the plant and the cards it will produce.

Now, the hope of Josef Martínez’s mano tener 2021 with more triumphs and more goals. Remaining at least a few months before the 2021 season and the illusion of the aficionados will be with his new league champion team, as he hiccuped in the 2018 season, when he was led by Gerardo “Tata” Martino.
