José Juan Macías affirma que ‘se sataniza’ ‘n futbolistas fiesteros

Subject to the sanction that the judge of the Pumas, Alan Mozo, which is the end of the week has been deactivated by the club luego de ser caught in a party and its precautionary measures against coronavirus pandemic, José Juan Macías, delantero de las Chivas, afirmó que cuando se hable de los futbolistas los temas se exageran y que it is more demanding on a player than a governor.

The player of Rebaño Sagrado, in an interview with Marca Claro, signaled to be extremely extreme when a football player comes with some mistakes, knowing that it is an example for many sectors of society.

“We have public figures and at the end debemos de dar el ejemplo, but the other lady of the month, she fatalization to us as footballers, to do things that the great majority of human beings do. We have a private home. No creo that is good ask more of the footballers than the governing bodies. “If a footballer is without a tap, he will take the things to the extreme, including those who may have been suspended, or suspended from the money that a person has in his house”, commented.

“In exchange, if a deputy or a governor or some political sale without tapabocas, no los veo pidiendo que pierda su trabajo ni tampoco veo que se les affecte en el patrimonio de su family. In the final accounts, hay being professional and for my part, always treated by give a positive example, about everything for the youth ”.

Tuvo sintomas ligeros por la covid-19

Macías platíó como fue el luego de que fue diagnosed with covid-19, hace un par de semanas. Dijo que you have some sins, mainly the first four days, pero la burgemeester parte del tiempo solo presentó fatigaespierd.

“Study at home, in quarantine, descending and hoping for the negative in order to be able to reincarnate in the trainings until the negative. Tuve sinntomas los primeros cuatro días, de fatigaespierd; sentia how to have fun playing with the three parties; I gave him a little pain of cabeza, but, more than anything, I sang, I felt very sung and me la pasaba en casa dormido”, Conclusion.
