Jorge Wated pidió to determine responsibilities for hospital medical supplies Teodoro Maldonado Carbo | Community | Guayaquil

More than a hundred health professionals, including those working on the first line of attention for the COVID-19 pandemic, were evacuated from the Theodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital, from the Ecuadorian Institute for Social Security (IESS), Manana del 31 of December, following the affected.

They say that they were notified of their despair.

However, as of December 31, 2020, the President of the IESS Board of Directors, Jorge Wated, indicated that he believed the action was “unsubstantiated”.

In his Twitter account he confirmed that among the separate medicines of Theodor Maldonado there are also professionals who are on the first line of attention in this sanitary crisis for the coronavirus.

The official indicated that he had asked the director general of the hospital to review the information on the separate medicines, as well as to determine responsibilities. (I)
