Jorge Junior Explores Against Gente de Zona For This Meme

Jorge Junior Explores Against Gente de Zona For This Meme

Jorge Junior and Alexander Delgado. (Collage: Alexander Delgado-Instagram and Jorge Hernández Carvajal-Facebook)

The Cuban reggaeton Jorge Hernández Carvajal, known in the world of farandula as Jorge Junior, exploded against Alexander Delgado de Gente de Zona.

Everyone needs a meme that the director and integrator of Gente de Zona shared in the stories section of his Instagram profile. In the image, which is not available in its stories, apart from the leader of The 4 and Yulien Oviedo characterized as alumni in a Cuba auditorium, reference is made to the fact that it is not a dictatorship.

As a matter of fact, Jorge Junior can not contain his reaction and attack from his Facebook to Delgado.

“I was called Yulien Oviedo, who was not met with a friend, insulted by a meme who was pissed and who we are in a hall. The meme makes me feel trembling, that Yulien is molested and enticed, because Alexander de Gente de Zona has pushed him in his stories. Ahora el payaso y corista que salga, sea quien sea, le voy a echar plomo. Because if you think that you have a girl, you know that you will not be able to come to her. The child is olvida who is one and is looking to lose weight “, said Jorge Junior.

Jorge Junior Explores Against Gente de Zona For This Meme

Jorge Junior exploits against Gente de Zona for this meme. (Photo: fará

Sure enough, the urban singer has taken to cracking down on El Monarca, but he has not liked the idea of ​​exactly who shares the meme on his Instagram.

“I did not molestan the memes porke yo me río, ahora, no se presenten los que no se ten prestore porque les voy a echar plomo. ¿Oíste Alexander? rectify it so that you can hear us holding the two on the line. Yu abri el juego Yulien Oviedo, asi que espero la tuya ”, dijo alentado a su companan a que le siguiese el juego.

Van su parte, the director of Los 4 criticó la postura de Alexander Delgado, showed the musical “Patria y Vida” by Yotuel, Descemer Bueno e integrantes del Movimiento San isidro.

Now let’s get rid of the obnoxious opposites, let’s go now the superheroes. There is a difference with the river revolt to echo a plumage for all. There is nothing more to be said about giving things in their stories. To me then risa los memes, pero no se los permito dos dos o tres. Quieren salir de un canción a hacer de character, no se hagan más les les voy a echar plomo. A mí no me gustan los coristas ”, verklaaró.

“Haciéndose the opponents and if they are going to form what they are, pero del lado de allá. Nadie came here. Griten here that you are going to greet with estees for being like Bainoa amanecen without anything. I do not like the bad computer “, reiteró ..

The origin of the meme is Jorge Junior

Jorge junior told a new controversy in the social speeches about insuring the existence of a dictatorship in the Isla.

During a recent interview with the page Un Martí To ‘Durako, the popular and inconvenient character of ciberespacio the question about music about is considered to exist in the Isla a totalitarian regime.

Actu seguido, the director of the group The 4 respondents that, if there are many things that are bad in the country, there is no erudite in the matter and therefore, prefer to make silence.

“No sabría decir si en Cuba hay una”, declares Jorge Jr. “I’m not what I call it, because I’m not talking about it. No too sabría answer bien. Yo sé que hay muchas cosas que no están bien, que hay que arreglarlas, pero no quiero decirte ‘es esto’, sin saber lo que estoy diciendo ”.

“Yes, I’re under the price of corrient, but good, in my case, I’re working, I have no problem, but I’m paying you not to agree to what you’re consuming and I can have problems with me and many artists , and so it is that arreglarlo ”.
