Jorge Cálix and Luis Redondo advocate intention to abolish extradition in Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- Dos deputados advirtieron about intentions that are impulsarian from the National Congress to cancel the extradition.

The voice of the bank of Liberty and Refund Party (Libre), Jorge Cálix, verklaar que que “existen fuertes rumours que la bancada del Partido Nacional en el Congreso estaría presenting un mochion de ley par annular el auto accordado que es el que permite haya extradición en Honduras”.

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Meanwhile, the subject of the bank of Innovation and Unity Party (Pinu), Luis Redondo, warns a journey of the social reasons of the abolition of extradition.

A reform of Article 102 of the Constitution of the Republic was approved by the CN in the year 2012, which allows the entry of Hondurans into certain countries for drug offenses, terrorism as organized crime. These years have been added to the United States of America and Carlos Arnaldo “El Negro” Lobo.

In fact, there is no law or regulation governing the extradition, only a car approved by the Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) with which it treats and resolves the applications for the extraditions.

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