Jonrón de Johan Camargo da triunfo Águilas Cibaeñas sobre los Toros del Este

With two and five squares carrying one in the sixth and second in the octave entered respectively, the Eagles Cibaeñas derrotaron 9-6 to the Toros del Este and with this third victory in line colocan the series 3-2 in his favor.

The game that empathizes with the closing of the octave enters, or an immediate response from the aguilucho battery including the quadrangular of Johan Camargo.

The Toros disapprove of a large actuation by its launcher Paolo Espino who made five perfect appearances with four punches, were embarrassed at the conclusion of the sixth episode after an out, allowed by the unrepaired and injured, both players can help.

For the Eagles David Kubiak flew to fall in his second salute with the Cibaeñas to allow his career in two innings and a third.

The victory is the cargo Michael Tonkin and the derrota Anthony Gose, Luís Castillo cargo with the salvamento.

Cómo anotaron

In the second episode Peter O’Brien connected a long quadrangular through the yard Izquierdo colocando the game 1-0.

In the third entry the Toros made the most lying that Jorge Mateo connected improperly and was out with the intention of robbing, posteriorly Abraham Almonte connected sencillo and was emulated by Miguel Andújar in the Almonte game on Tuesday and was impaled by Navo , play Andújar annotated by another indisputable Jeimer Candelario colocando the game 3-0.

At the end of the season, Jonathan Villar and Melky Cabrera, the impeccable connector to the abridger and Rangel Ravelo impulsed with another villain in Villar, and lie with two Robel García bases connected quadrangular before the marker 4-3.

At the opening of the Octave Yamaico Navarro connected a quadrangular kilometer through the garden Izquierdo empatande the actions 4-4.

On the other hand, this mishap was followed by an outspoken Jonathan Viilar connection and was set up in the second round, catching up with the catcher’s deflected shot, lying ahead of Juan Lagares’ impending move.

Posteriormente with Lagares y Rangel Ravelo que llegó por boleto, Johan Camargo connect quadrangular por el jardín derecho colocando el partido 8-4, luego Robel García connectó largo double por el jardín izquierdo y fue remolcado por otro largo double por el central de Francisco Peña.

In the new Jordany Valdespin connected the quadrangular third to the goals in this game playing the game 9-5, lie Jorge Mateo connected improvised and read second by launch deviated, later Miguel Andújar connected infieldhit and Mateo advanced to Yateo.
