Join voluntary lawyers who will be in six hospitals in five museums

Santo Domingo, RD.

President Luis Abinader captures this act of judging the voluntary primaries of the health and culture areas with the goal of giving up the “cogoernance with civil society”.

Legal advisers working in six hospitals and five museums.

The hospitals are owned by Arturo Grullón, Estrella Ureña, Robert Reid, Hugo Mendoza, while the Museums of Modern Art, Natural History, History and Geography, Colonial Zone, Dominican Man, Además, ADOVOH, INCART and CECANOT.

The mandate states that from now on all citizens will be able to help because things are going well, in addition to bringing their talent to hospitals, colleges, social centers and all sectors of the country.

Record that has been the subject of these months, the Committee of Volunteers of Public Institutions has created with the aim of registering and facilitating the creation, organization, operation and implementation of proposals from all voluntary countries.

“As in the position of the volunteer committee, there is a phrase that very well defines the spirit of this; “It’s not what I like, it’s what I like” and in these beautiful words there is a deep ethical sense and also, of great social repercussion “, said Abinader.

In agreement with Abinader, the Steering Committee will continue to work on the training and support of volunteers in other sectors, such as the mid-range with national parks and in the sports and police transport sector.

Also, in the areas of education with the liceos and schools around the country, with the intention of logging a synergy between the city and the governing body to work in team and preserve the good use of these institutions, guaranteeing an optimal experience through.

“We believe that the tariff to govern jointly will not only be a slogan, it is a tangible reality that is materialized and that all Dominican citizens are involved in the management of the public,” said the mandate.

In the activity, accompanied by the mandate, the Vice-President of the Republic, Raquel Peña; the Ministers of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza; of Public Health, Daniel Rivera; de Cultura, Carmen Heredia; of Medio Ambiente, Orlando Jorge Mera; of the National Health Service, Mario Lama, Director of the National Health Service, and the President of the Volunteer Steering Committee, José Miguel Bonetti.
