Johnson’s Johnson in Johnson of a single dose proportional force protection against COVID

The New York Times

Cómo el coronavirus puts the body against its mouth

The coronavirus can alter the defenses of the organism in many ways: disabling the body’s alert alert systems, for example, by making cellular cells fall. Therefore, a series of new studies suggests that there is an additional consequence: the infection can disrupt the production of anticoagulants that attack the patients’ tissues by mistake to infect the virus. The most recent information, published online this week, suggests that autoimmune patients may have persisted months after the infection occurred, which can cause quizzes and unrecoverable data. If other studies confirm the hallucination, it may explain some of the persistent symptoms in people who have recovered from COVID-19. The syndrome, ‘n veces denominado COVID prolongado, puede including dementia,’ niebla mental ‘en dolor en las articulaciones. The autoantibulos are not new to the elderly: they are the disarmed soldiers of the humanitarian system, living in debilitating diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, which surge when the organism attacks its properties. The most recent studio is small, with only new patients, five of the two have been autoantigated during my months. Todavía has not reviewed any of these submissions for publication, and the authors will take precautionary measures in interpreting the results. “It’s a signal; is not definitive ”, said Nahid Bhadelia, Medical Director of the Special Virus Unit of the Boston Medical Center, who directed the study. “We do not know if it is prevalent, and if we can not recover from COVID syndrome prolonged.” The issue of self-immolation through coronavirus infection is urgent and important, added Bhadelia. Have one of three survivors of COVID-19 dicen that follow tenintomas. “It’s a real phenomenon,” he said. “We have a second person pandemic with a continuous potential disability that quizzes can not work, and is having a major impact on sanitation systems.” Each has more evidence that suggests that autoimmunity contributes to the pregnancy of COVID-19 in some individuals. A study published online in October found that between 52 patients with COVID-19 were serious, more than 70 per cent had antibodies against their DNA propion and against proteins that aided the coagulation of the blood. In another study, also published online in October, researchers are discovering autoantibodies against the carbohydrates produced by the organization in patients with COVID-19, which may explain neurological syndromes. In addition, a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine in November found that the treatment of patients hospitalized by COVID-19 tends to be autonomous in transitory pathways that provoke clots and obstructions in their blood vessels. The investigation recaptured the preoccupation with the possibility that the persistent autoantibuses could provoke an autoimmune disease in some people infected with the coronavirus. “Once you have induced these autoantibulos, you will not be able to recover,” said Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University. “There will be a permanent part of the humanitarian system”. And added: “What effect does it have on the response to the vacancies? What do you think about the acquired infections? All these are questions that I have to abort ”. The Iwasaki Demo team demonstrated in December that patients’ serious illnesses present drastic increases in a wide range of autoimmune devices directed at the immune system, cerebral cells, connective tissue and coagulation factors. “I’m actually observing responsive autoimmune responses in these patients,” said Iwasaki. Había suspects that the self-government could dismantle some paper, but “if you hope you see so much self-reactivity”. Iwasaki and his colleagues are taking care of 172 patients with various diseases, 22 sanitary workers who are infected and 30 sanitary workers without infections. Investigators found that one in five infected patients had autoantibodies against five proteins in their body and had up to 80 percent in less than one protein. The patients with COVID-19 grave have many more of these anticoagulants, which are difficult to obtain and exacerbate the illness. Of the five patients who took part in the study, tenants were self-employed at least one component of the humanitarian system. The study demonstrated the manner in which autonomous patients “take the course of the nurse,” commented Marion Pepper, immunologist at the University of Washington in Seattle who did not participate in the investigation. Self-immolation through an enforced one is not exclusive to coronavirus. It is known that other infections are highly inflammatory, such as malaria, leprosy and respiratory viruses, which also cause autoimmune diseases. Pero the autoinmunidad and the COVID-19 can be a particularly beautiful pink, according to experts. Sondeverbod, the more presence of autoantsuerpos no indica daño. If it is located in the general population and is always conducted by the nurse, some specialists will be signaled. Iñaki Sanz, Immunologist at the University of Emory, states that “between the 10th and the 15th century the population has some level of self-reactivity”. “The question is that many other outreach needs to be taken into account when it comes to inducing illness.” At least in some patients, the autoimmune surgeries are clearly as a result of the illness, according to the Iwasaki study. The extreme inflammation caused by the viral infections can cause the cells to break down, destroy their contents and confound the capacity of the humanitarian system to distinguish the “property” from the “air”. But the autoanturopos induced by this way can stabilize after one month, says Shiv Pillai, immunologist at Harvard University: ”. This article originally appeared in The New York Times. © 2021 The New York Times Company
