Johnson & Johnson’s vacancy has 66% efficiency

(CNN) – The unique injecting vaccine against Johnson & Johnson’s covid-19 will be 66% effective and the moderate and serious enema prevention in phase 3, but 85% effective against serious encephalitis, the company announced the viernes.

The vacancy was 72% effective against moderate and severe illnesses in EE.UU., the company said.

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There is a big difference with the vacancies of Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna, and you can make sure that the people are not sure what vacancies they can receive or what they can do. The vacancies that are on the market in EE.UU. has a general increase of 95% against the covid-19 syndrome, with quizzes including an inclusion by the mayor against the graft cases.

But experts say the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will continue to be used against the pandemic in the United States and around the world.

vacuna johnson moderna astrazeneca pfizer inyectadora coronavirus getty

(Credit: STEPHANIE LECOCQ / POOL / AFP via Getty Images)

El Dr. Anthony Fauci told the celebrants that Johnson & Johnson’s vacancy and others would help alleviate the stresses in the United States Health System.

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“If we can kill them, they are really important, not only with this candidate for vaccination, but with those who have been detained in the United States”, said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, during a period with a period el viernes.
“If they can prevent serious illnesses with a high percentage of people, they will be deprived of much of the stress, the supremacy and human death.”

Johnson & Johnson vaccine efficiency varies from country to country

Vaccine efficacy against moderate and severe infertility varies from country to country: 72% in EE.UU., 66% in Latin America and 57% in South Africa. This is the middle of a month after the injection.

In South Africa, 95% of cases in this case are related to a known variant such as B.1.351, which states that it is more contagious and has mutations that can cause the virus to be less susceptible to the immunosuppressive response, includes the antiquities provoked by the evacuation.

With this variant, “we have a minor protection against the most common forms of coviation that we have in the United States, where we have more circulating types that are more common”, says Dr. Mathai Mammen, global research and development manager for the company, at Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN.

Without embarrassment, it includes those who have moderate covid-19 cases in which they tend to develop a life-threatening condition and less sinful, aggregate.

But for Mammen, the key result was the Johnson & Johnson vaccine efficacy to prevent serious infections, independently of the variant or the edad group.

“In all geographies, in all variants, we have 85% protection” against serious injuries, dijo. This trend has increased over time, with serious cases in the vacant group after day 49, according to the company.

From one month after the injection, all hospitalizations and deaths occurred in the placebo group.

The results are based on an analysis of more than 44,000 participants och och paises, with a total of 468 cases of covid-19 divided between those who received the vacancy or the placebo. The results were not published in a review revised by pares, but the company said that the plan was made “in the following weeks”.

It is hoped that Johnson & Johnson will apply to the EE Administration of Medicines and Foods. UU. The next week is the emergency use authorization, which Mammen says will be available by the end of February.
Will be the third company to apply to the EE. UU. The FDA has a vaccine against coronavirus. The vacancies manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech were authorized in December and are currently in the millions.
