Johnson & Johnson’s single dose COVID-19 vaccine is effective against virus, says FDA

Johnson & Johnson’s single dose vaccine protects against COVID-19, according to an analysis by U.S. regulators Wednesday. The analysis is the basis for a final decision on a new and easier to use to tame the pandemic.

The scientists from the Food and Drug Administration confirmed that the vaccine is generally about 66% effective in preventing moderate to severe COVID-19. The agency also said that the J&J recording – one that can help speed up vaccinations by requiring just one dose instead of two – is safe to use.

However, Johnson & Johnson expects to shoot far too short of its commitment to deliver 10 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine by February, with less than 4 million ready to ship. The announcement of the shortfall by Johnson & Johnson is the first public measure of exactly how far the drug business has fallen behind with its production targets. Johnson & Johnson has promised to deliver another $ 25 million by the end of March.

“We will have 20 million doses of the vaccine available by the end of March, and we are prepared to send almost 4 million doses of our vaccine immediately after consent for emergency use,” said Dr. Richard Nettles, Johnson and Johnson said. subsidiary Janssen’s vice president of medical affairs, said on Tuesday at a hearing committee of the House Energy & Commerce.

This is just one step in the FDA’s evaluation of a third option for vaccination for the US. The agency’s independent advisers will discuss on Friday whether the evidence is strong enough to recommend the long-awaited shot. Armed with the advice, the FDA is expected to make a final decision within a few days.

Vaccination is slower than hoped, and is hampered by logistical problems and weather delays, even as the country mourns over 500,000 virus-related deaths. To date, about 65 million Americans have received at least one dose of vaccine made by Pfizer or Moderna, shots that require two doses with a few weeks apart for complete protection.

J&J has tested its single-dose option in 44,000 people in the US, Latin America and South Africa. Because different mutated versions of the virus spread in different countries, researchers geographically analyzed the results. J&J previously announced that the vaccine works better in the US – 72% effective against moderate to severe COVID-19, compared to 66% in Latin America and 57% in South Africa.

Yet in each country it was very effective against the most severe symptoms, and early results of the study showed that no hospitalization or deaths began 28 days after vaccination.

Although the overall efficacy numbers indicate that the J&J candidate is not quite as strong as two-dose competitors, all of the COVID-19 vaccines in the world have been tested differently, making comparisons nearly impossible. While it would not be surprising if one dose is slightly weaker than two doses, policymakers will decide whether it is an acceptable consideration to get more people vaccinated faster.

J&J was on track to become the world’s first single-dose option until earlier this month, Mexico announced it would use a single-dose version of the Chinese CanSino. The vaccine is made with similar technology to J&J, but was initially developed as a two-dose option until a single-dose test was started in the autumn.

The competing Pfizer and Moderna vaccines used in the US and numerous other countries need to be kept frozen, while the J&J shot can last three months in the fridge, making it easier to handle. The AstraZeneca vaccine, which is commonly used in Europe, Britain and Israel, is manufactured in the same way and also requires refrigeration, but takes two doses.

If the FDA approves the J&J survey for US use, it will not significantly increase the vaccine supply immediately. It is expected that only a few million doses will be ready for dispatch in the first week. But J&J told Congress this week that it is expected to provide 20 million doses by the end of March and 100 million by the summer.

European regulators and the World Health Organization are also considering vaccinating J&J. Worldwide, the company aims to produce approximately one billion doses by the end of the year.

Alexander Tin contributed to this report.
