John Travolta puts up for sale at Mine for 5 million dollars

Less than a year after the death of his wife Kelly Preston, the protagonist of ‘Vaselina’, John Travolta Public house for sale in Islesboro, Maine, United Kingdom United States. The compartment with its exposed bed and the floor of its three houses.

We remember that Kelly Preston lost life to 57 years old, passed July 13, 2020 to mothers’ cancer, inferior to those who were lying down for two years. Reason why the famous actor decided to change the reflectors for a while.

“I really like the information I received Kelly lost his battle of years against his mother’s cancer … Kelly’s love and life will be recorded forever. My tomaré un time to be with my husbands, who he lost to his mother, so that he may be forgiven by adelantado if I have no eye in a time ”, currently written by John Travolta.

John Travolta luce contento con su esposa

The property was built in 1903 with several square meters divided mainly by 20 properties. The house is built over 19 hectares on the lake, it is in a small island called Islesboro, which is close to the coast of Mine.

We record that the furniture was purchased by Travolta and his wife in 1991, when he was married and stayed in his hospital primogenito Jett Travolta; who lamentably loses the life of a short ed.

The house of John Travolta puesta a la venta por five million of dollars (103 million 431 miles 700 pesos) accounted for 20 apartments, small bathrooms and medium, a lobby, kitchen, dressing room, dining room, main room, TV room, bar, in addition to a meal with saliva in Bahia Sabbatdag .

The furniture of three levels, also with a Fantasy Land at its highest level, the cual is a game room divided into a classroom, a library, a stage of theater, a dresser and four thematic receptacles; one of them is dedicated to Peter Pan and another with the theme of Princesses.
