John Lolos: Man charged with rioting in Capitol by airport police officer after being kicked off the flight for constantly ‘shouting’ Trump ‘

In an affidavit filed with the federal court, a special agent at the U.S. Capitol Police says the man, John Lolos, was identified by a police officer from the Metropolitan Airport Authority in Washington after Lolos on the afternoon of January 8. was kicked in Ronald Reagan Washington on a Delta flight. National Airport. According to the agent, the crew, according to the agent, decided to turn the plane around because Lolos caused a disturbance by shouting ‘Trump’ constantly ‘!’

The police officer, who was only identified as Officer Braddock, saw that Lolos was escorted according to the affidavit of the flight.

“Officer Braddock was aware of LOLOS ‘operations and saw him returning from the plane to the gate, but did not detain or arrest LOLOS when he returned to the gate,” the statement said. “Delta booked LOLOS a later flight to its destination, and LOLOS continued to wait at the gate.”

About 45 minutes later, Braddock was flipping through his Instagram feed when he saw a video of rioters inside the Capitol building, the statement said. The video showed a man leaving the Capitol at a doorway, and Braddock identified himself as the same man he saw kicking off the flight, the agent said.

“During the video, LOLOS can be seen leaving the US Capitol doorway, wearing the same shirt as (at) the airport, and giving up a red ‘Trump 2020 Keep American Great’ flag, hooked with the US flag , and shout ‘we did it, yes!’ the agent wrote. According to the affidavit, the agent found the flags seen in the video during the arrest of Lolos during the arrest.

Braddock notified Lolos officers of the Capitol Police’s Digital Protection Division – who had been on other assignments at the airport. They then approached Lolos according to the affidavit and “informed LOLOS that he was being held and was not free to leave at that time.”

The special agent of the American Capitol police then arrested him according to the affidavit.

Lolos has since been charged with knowingly entering a restrictive building on January 6 without entering legal authority and entering violent access and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

An attorney for Lolos was not listed in federal court records and CNN could not contact Lolos for comment. CNN also released for comment at Delta, but has not yet received a response.
