Joe Biden’s most important phrases during his speech at the nation

Joe Biden during his speech.  REUTERS / Tom Brenner
Joe Biden during his speech. REUTERS / Tom Brenner

In view of his first speech on the nation in prime time (prime-time), the President of the EU, Joe Biden, ordered the states to initiate the vaccination against COVID-19 for all adults before the 1st of May, as of July 4th, Independence Day, “Have a good chance” that families can reunite.

In contrast to the style of his predecessor Donald Trump, the Democrat spoke little and in one tone; on various occasions most were affected by the sanitary crisis and the 530,000 deaths by COVID-19 in the EU. The allocation coincided with the first anniversary of the ban on displacement in large parts of the country affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Desde East Chamber de la Casa Blanca, Biden is important to combat the COBID-19. Continuation of the most phrased phrases of the President of the United States.

– “I have no intention of administering 100 million doses in my first 100 days in the cargo. That night, we can say that we are not aiming for that goal. Let’s have a superarlo. Because in reality we are on the road to launch this meta of 100 million doses in my day ”.

– ”Find light in the dark is a very stable feature; de hecho, puede que sea lo que mas caracteriza como estadounidense ”.

– “After this long and long year, this day of the Independence Day will be especially special for those who only mark our Independence as a nation., sino que comenzamos a marka nuestra Independencia de este virus ”.

The mandate during his speech of the Jews.  REUTERS / Tom Brenner
The mandate during his speech of the Jews. REUTERS / Tom Brenner

– “The audio attacks against the ascending stages of Asian origin, those with side effects, seizures and tumors such as expectorant, are bad, in contrast to our values ​​and need to speak”.

– “If we are not alerted to the changes and the Cambian conditions, it is possible that we will reinstate the restrictions in order to be able to recover. But please, we do not want to have to do that ”.

– ”Necesito de ustedes, pueblo estadounidense. The needy. It is necessary that each of you make a part ”.

– “When the presidency took 50 days, 8% of the 65-year-olds were given the first dose. This figure is superior to 65% ”.

– “The directive applies to the states for all mayors of 18 years of age to receive the vaccine against COVID-19 from May 1st”.

– “Listen to Dr. Fauci, una de las voces más distinguish a global level. We insure that vacancies are secure”.

– “If all goes well with our part, there is a good chance that the 4th of July will bring us together in small groups to celebrate Independence Day”.

– “If we do not pay attention, then we will be able to avoid the impressive restrictions. We do not want to do that”.

– “Apostar en contra del pueblo estadounidense nunca es una buena apuesta. United States is living to see what it is ”


A year of pandemic in the world: how COVID-19 has evolved since its inception has been on the rise
Developed in United States a web page that alerts users when they have vacancies against COVID-19 sobrantes in its zone
