Joe Biden’s message reads that United States surpasses mid-million deaths by COVID-19

REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, commands these celebrations a message with its condolences to the nation of lies that surpasses the symbolic mid-morning barrier bar by COVID-19.

Speaking of his Twitter account, the mandate expressed: “500,000 lost lives before the COVID-19. It is an immeasurable number, but each one represents a family that will never be more complete. To those who have lost their desires: if there are no words that can mitigate the pain, but hope that some consul will know that the nation is lute with you”.

The Democratic administration also ordered that las banderas ondeen a media asta to commemorate and honor those who fail as a consequence of illness.

Minutes after 18:00 (Hours of the East of the United States), Biden delivered a televised message of respect. ‘To sanitize tenemos that record women who are not, as is a sana. And it’s important that we act as a nation”, Comenzó.

Luego, in a wide reference to the losses he has suffered over the length of his life – his first wife and his great brother in 1972 and his beautiful Beau in 2015 – detailed: “To whom he lost his desires, it is what he sé: siempre van a ser part de su corazón. They are never completely finished. Read the moment at which the record of alguien the saque a sonrisa antes than a lágrima. Ahí sabrán que stán bien”.

The mandate closes its message with a new name on the use of mascarillas, the maintenance of the social distance and the vacancy. ‘If this is not a political issue, then we should fight against it as a united people, it is the only way to avoid more pain and loss”, Conclusion.

When the message was announced, Biden led Jill, Vice President Kamala Harris and his wife Doug Emhoff to a ceremony to celebrate the occasion, as well as a way to honor the victims.

Joe and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff.  REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
Joe and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff. REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

The United States’ chief specialist in contagious disease, Anthony Fauci, was pronounced respectful throughout the season. “Mid million deaths are algo vreeslik. It is historical. We have not seen anything since the grip of 1918 ”, said in an interview with the magazine NBC.

In addition, the pace of vacancies has increased, with more than 61 million doses administered at the moment, according to a recent report. The figures show that the 5.7 per cent of the stadiums will receive the corresponding doses.

However, according to the forecasts of Fauci, between 70 and 85 per cent of the population of the United States must receive the vaccine in order for the collective aid to be effective.

Ante this baaada in the incidence of the virus, some state authorities he decided to relay some of the restrictions in vigilance, ante that the experts he was alerted, especially by the pilgrimage of the propagation of the new cepas of the COVID-19, more contagious .

The United States has the largest pandemic in the world, followed by India with the number of cases, which accumulated 10,991,651, and Brazil with the number of fatalities, which amounted to 246,504.

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United States surpasses the mid-million deaths by COVID-19
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