Joe Biden’s candidate to lead the CIA’s warning about China’s amenity: “It is our mayor’s geopolitical challenge”

William Burns, Candidate as Director of the Agencia Central de Inteligencia (EFE / EPA / Tom Williams)
William Burns, Candidate as Director of the Agencia Central de Inteligencia (EFE / EPA / Tom Williams)

China is the mayor of the United States, affirms this Wednesday the presidential candidate Joe Biden to lead the CIA, William Burns, which promises to guarantee the independence of the spy agency with respect to world politics.

In an international scenario “each has more complex and competitive”, the “depressing” action of the Chinese regime represents “our mayor’s geopolitical challenge”, declared the former diplomat during his hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which must approve his appointment.

“Superar to China will be key to our security in the next decades (…) It will require a strategy of large, lucrative, bipartisan, long-term, domestic and intelligent intelligence strategy, ”he said.

Aunque Washington hou saam met Beijing en asuntos claves comem el climato cambio o la no proliferation de armas nuclees, el ex numero dos del Departamento de Estado (2011-2014) advirtió que el regéimen chino “Methodically refunds its intellectual property robbery capacities, replenishes its people, accuses its neighbors, extends its power to the world and builds its influence in the spirit of the state society”.

Will Burns will represent the director of Xi Jinping as mayor, amenaza para EEUU (REUTERS / Denis Balibouse)
Will Burns will represent the director of Xi Jinping as mayor, amenaza para EEUU (REUTERS / Denis Balibouse)

The CIA has been involved in the last years of operations since the Chinese intelligence services recruited various agents and diplomats.

Once a decade has passed, Beijing will dismantle a network of informants from the state agency in China.

Burns claims that the battle for technological superiority in intelligence, including the use of artificial intelligence, will be a key element of its mission. Also abogo to recruit agents that hablen mandarín.

Además from China, Russia, and the “aggressive” and Iranian classification, which tacho “hostil”, are the other big names for their country, says Burns.

Recording his years as United States Embassy in Moscow, between 2005 and 2008, the former diplomat has learned “It is always a mistake to underestimate Vladimir Putin’s Russia.” “Although, in many respects, Russia is a declining potential, it can be very disturbing” as emerging potential as China, considered.

William Burns is Joe Biden's candidate to lead the CIA (REUTERS / Larry Downing) I
William Burns is Joe Biden’s candidate to lead the CIA (REUTERS / Larry Downing) I

Burns, the spokesman for the dialogue with the Iranian regime that allowed the agreement on the 2015 nuclear program, agrees that United States debates “make it possible for Iran to disarm a nuclear army”.

If the Senate confirms its number, as it hopes, Burns, of 64 years, will be replaced by Gina Haspel, the first woman directed by the CIA, whose career has been challenged by his controversial paper in the posterior torture programs of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Biden’s candidate ensures that the methods of interrogation that are enforced, implemented and based on his attempts, “It will not be used by the CIA,” he said., and classified the simulated ahogamiento, one of their techniques, of “act of torture”.

Burns’ election will restore the agency’s independence, despite the fact that former President Donald Trump’s detractors are trying to politicize the CIA. “Politics needs to be detained as intelligence work begins,” said Burns, who recorded his long career in the Middle East and Russia.

William Burns also offers advice on the issues of Iran and Russia (AP)
William Burns also offers advice on the issues of Iran and Russia (AP)

“Learn what intelligence professionals have to say to politicians who need to be listened to, even when no one is listening”, añadió.

Diplomat for 33 years, Burns retired in 2014 before presiding over the Carnegie Foundation for the International Peace, a center for reflection on relations between countries, which has an exchange program with a Chinese organization considered as an organ of intense propaganda del Senado.

Although his profile is atypical of the crime – he is neither military nor political and never works in the intelligence services -, Burns assured the committee that the CIA is very close to him, with the fact that he has taken care of his career.

También hizo hincapié en la necesidad de que la CIA colabore con los aliados de Estados Unidos, especialmente para oponerse a Rusia, different from the conciliatory action adopted by Trump with Moscow.

“We will have the greatest impact on Putin’s calculations if we are companies solely owned by the United States, as well as our European and other allies,” he said.

With AFP information

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