Joe Biden will issue an emergency decree that will help fund millions of stadiums

The President of the United States, Joe Biden.  Doug Mills / CNP / Polaris
The President of the United States, Joe Biden. Doug Mills / CNP / Polaris

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, planea firmar emergency decrees are you for offer financial assistance to millions of estadounidenses, while the Congress initiates the debates on the 1.9 trillion dollar packet to help those affected by coronavirus pandemic.

The two executive orders that Biden has aumentan la ayuda alimentaria, protegen a los desempleados y allanan el camino para que los trabajadores del federal goberno y.

“The people of the stadium can not dare to read it,” said the director of the Economic Council of the White House, Brian Deese. “Muchos penden de un hilo. Vereis ayuda y estamos comprometidos a hacer todo lo posible para brindar esa ayuda cuanto antes”, Añadió.

Deese signal that the decrees has not been added to the additional estimate that, according to Biden, there is a greater need for the 4 trillion dollar bills it has approved, includes 900,000 million in December. Various Republican legislators have declared their opposition to certain plans of the plan of democracy direct real estate payments to individuals, help state and local governments and establish minimum wage at $ 15 per hour.

The mayor is part of the economists who believe that the United States can recover with make sure the person is vaccinated against the coronavirus, but the situation is difficult with the body of business and schools. He lost 10 million jobs since February 2020 and already 30 million families have not yet secured access to food.

ARCHIVO PHOTO: People hacked into a Kentucky Career Center with the hope of meeting helpers with their job advertisements in Frankfort, Kentucky, United States, June 18, 2020. REUTERS / Bryan Woolston
ARCHIVO PHOTO: People hacked into a Kentucky Career Center with the hope of meeting helpers with their job advertisements in Frankfort, Kentucky, United States, June 18, 2020. REUTERS / Bryan Woolston

One of Biden’s ordinances requires the Department of Agriculture to study a adjust the food aid standards for the governor is obliged to give more money to the persons who pass the hammer.

The children who can not immerse themselves in the school comedies at the teaching distance receive an increase of 15% in the food aid, according to an information document of the Casa Blanca. The families of the most grumpy natives may receive Emergency services under the Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program.

La orden también busca ayudar a que la gente pueda advertise direct payment packages and other beneficial benefits packages. Además, created a guarantee that workers can follow the performance of the sample if it is not acceptable to accept a job that hurts its health.

EFE / Cristobal Herrera / Archive
EFE / Cristobal Herrera / Archive

The second executive order of Biden will turn to the unions deregos of negotiation canceled by the previous governor, protecting the civil employment system and promoting a minimum of 15 dollars per hour for all federal public employees. The president wants to start a process of 100 days for contractors to pay a minimum of $ 15 per hour and their work permit for the emergency department, the series will be a press release on the private sector to raise funds and benefits.

Thus, the White House does not hesitate to take up space to approve the package and confirm that its officials open to convene meetings with legislators to discuss the proposal.

(With AP information)


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