Joe Biden will attend the event for all EUEUU adults to be vaccinated against COVID: April 19th

Joe Biden (Reuters)
Joe Biden (Reuters)

President Joe Biden’s tenien predicted to announce this March that he will record one of the weeks on May 1 in order to Hagan states that all adults can be vaccinated against coronavirus.

Biden will carry out the announcement at Casa Blanca this March during a visit to a vacation center in Virginia, where a Casa Blanca employee is.

With the states gradually increasing the flexibility of all the priority groups such as the Mayors and first-line essential workers, the President plans to announce that all adults in the EEUU will be eligible to be vacated on 19 April, said the official, who had a condition of anonymity to discuss Biden’s plans before the formal announcement.

The president announced last week that 90% of adult adults would receive one of the three vacancies approved by April 19, in addition to having a vacation center within 8 miles of their homes. Now, up to 100% of the mayor’s edad.

At the moment, various states have opened the vacancy eliminating the priority barriers and others have announced a calendar that complements the new chronogram. Only Hawaii in Oregon has maintained the plans available to all adults on May 1, as it will accelerate its campaigns to adjust to the new objective.

La CNN was the first to inform about the announcement presented by Biden.

So many deaths as for COVID-19, EUEUU contagious countries are a world number one, with more than 555,000 bankruptcies and 30.7 million contagious as of 2020. The quarters, the country increases the 100 million people inoculated with less a dose, according to data from the Centers for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC), the main federal public health agency of the country.

The Democratic president’s goal is for the state councils to meet “in small groups” to celebrate the national holiday on July 4. Currently there are three authorized vacancies in the United States: the Johnson & Johnson (one dose) and the Pfizer / BioNTech and Modern alliance (two doses).

Biden on a visit to a Pfizer factory (Reuters)
Biden on a visit to a Pfizer factory (Reuters)

Great Florida flu

Vacationing against COVID-19 has no restrictions per year for adults initiating this Monday in Florida with a large influx of young people, according to Efe in one of the mayor’s munitions centers in Miami.

Until the end of the day, there will be a large number of cars with lists for people living in the center located on the north campus of the University of Miami Dade College (MDC), which is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). and is the largest in Florida. Between 250 and 300 cars, in its mayor with people on tour for 30 or 40 years must access the center in the first hours of operation.

Vacationing in a Tampa church (Reuters)
Vacationing in a Tampa church (Reuters)

According to data from the Department of Health of Florida, the oath group with more cases of covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic is 25 to 34 years old, accumulating more than 362,000 contacts of the more than two million registered from of March in the state.

(Relief from AP and AFP)


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