Joe Biden: The Immigration Project presented by Biden | United States – EU and Canada – International

The new President of the United States, Joe Biden, is sending this morning to Congress a project of immigration law that seeks out 11 million undocumented immigrants who are currently meeting in this country.

This integral plan also works address the cause of migration from Central American countries and help to deal with this issue. In the same way, the end is to increase the use of technology and increase resources for control on the frontier with Mexico. Here ‘n’ CNN ‘revealed a source of knowledge of the proposal.

(Also: The first media of Joe Biden’s Governor in the United States).

Contrary to the anti-immigration actions that characterize the four years of Donald Trump’s mandate, Biden promises from its campaign that a migratory reform will be a priority in its government.

También was compromised with the revision of some 400 ordinances with the cues on his predecessor restricting asylum, detecting dozens of miles of undocumented immigrants and hizo more complex and costly the residence permit legal residence and the acquisition of the city.

Biden has received reprimand from immigration groups to those who believe that the deportation that took place during Barak Obama’s mandate will also be a constant in his administration.

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Undocumented immigrants may obtain state citizenship during a period of eight years

What does the project consist of?1. Camino hacia la ciudadanía

The principal of the proposal is that undocumented immigrants can obtain state citizenship in a period of eight years.

If granted a temporary legal status to the undocumented that hayan entered the country before the 1st of January of 2021 y tengan una permanence en Estados Unidos de por lo menos cinco años. This first requirement should avoid any massive migration to the frontier in Mexico.

During this period of time, the permit holder will apply for permanent residence, better known as ‘green card’. Take three years and complete the required requisites, then ask the city.

“A truck will be created to allow people to get there. We are going to reduce the time to when it is currently 13 years to 8 years“,” Said Vice President Kamala Harris in an interview with Univision.

(Leer recomendamos leer: ¿Qué hizo Donald Trump durante la juramentation de Joe Biden?).

Caravan of immigrants

Miles of Central American immigrants are traveling in rumba caravans to the United States all year round.

2. Permanent legal residence for the beneficiaries of Daca

The plan also seeks to simplify the process for the beneficiaries of the Different Action for the Children in Education (Daca, by its seals in English) to obtain legal residence. De igual manera, a The llamados ‘dromers’ are allowed to apply for the residence permit.

“We will increase the protections for the ‘dreamers’ and the beneficiaries of ‘Daca’,” Harris said. “These are some of the things we are going to do in our immigration law project. And we believe that it is a more intelligent and humane way to approach the topic, ”he concluded.


The ‘dromersseun’s undocumented students who go to the United States are less important.

3. End of Trump’s Migration Policies

Biden will begin the reunification process for separated families on the EE front. UU. and Mexico inside its first diez dies in the cargo. It looks like there are 600 nieces and nephews who are currently living in Gobierno’s custodia to reunite with their families.

Tambien order the suspension of the media that will lead to the separation of one 5,000 minor oaths of its migrants and mothers between 2017 and 2018.

For another lad, will issue a decree to detain the construction of the front wall in Mexico that Trump promised, to avoid the legal document of undocumented immigrants.

The bus plan that is redesign the resources of this job to improve the operation of the advanced devices and the use of technology. In fact, it’s the end of the acquisition more personal for the combat of people and drugs on the fronts.

(We recommend read: We work with Biden as friends: Embajada de Colombia en EE. UU.).

Muro EE.  UU.

Part of the wall was built during the administration of Donald Trump.

In the same way, it has the end of cancel the Protocol for the Protection of Migrants (MPP, by its English seal). This policy of Gobierno Trump is the reason for the decades of people who are on the front lines of the EE. UU. Pidiendo asylum and side effects in Mexico and Central America while hoping for their injuries.

4. Help to Central America

Joe Biden’s plan search attack the cause of the massive migration from the countries of Central America.

For this, together with the Governors of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, Biden assign resources to address economic and social causes by which millions of people decide to migrate illegally with the hope of a better life in the United States.

También is also creating process centers in Central America for traumatizing women seeking refuge.

(Siga leyendo: The posts of Santos and Uribe to the president of EE. UU. Joe Biden).

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