Joe Biden queer sin perros en Casa Blanca luego de que atacaran a un guardaespaldas | Intercultural | Notice

The Biden matrimonial units, in their lots, were not part of the White House during an attack on a presidential security building.

Major Major, one of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, and the First Lady, Jill Biden, accredited a guard, made the decision to transfer to the German Pastors (Major and Champ) in Wilmington , Delaware, does not have the marriage site, CNN’s private portal.

It is between three years, and the security staff will take care of it every week, and even if the health status of the victim is unknown, the decision is empty.

We record that in front of Biden’s investment as president, the 20th of January, the couple announced that the Casa Blanca will be built next to its tracks and that there will be a cat. Sondeverbod, the incident is not allowed to continue being possible.

There are many different types of pastors, most of them pastors have a range of skills and various ways they are seen loading, salting and “trusting” the staff and the security staff members of the presidential mansion.

Champ, who has been 13 years old, has been the most debated in his oath and has been sued by the president in the first lady after the 2008 presidential election in which the Delaware president was elected vice president of Barack Obama (2009- 2017), and ‘Major’ was adopted in 2018.

Major is the first perro salida of a perch that lived in the Casa Blanca, and as much as he did in Champ, which Biden acquired from a creator of these animals, they were seen judging by the mane of the mansion. last week.

He also appeared in the Despacho Oval, together with his daughter. (I)
