Joe Biden presents the route to combat coronavirus

Washington DC– Como-president, Joe Bien, presents today the federal route to combat coronavirus, which includes requiring mascarillas in airways and airways, quarantine for international travelers and the official return of the United States to the World Health Organization ).

“Our bus plan will recapture public confidence,” Biden said, noting that President Donald Trump’s recent move has minimized a pandemic that has claimed 408,000 lives, a total of which could reach the mid-million as soon as possible.

Biden indicates that the Defense Production Force is failing – that Trump was reacting to activation – to order the “federal agencies and private industry to accelerate the production of everything that is needed to protect, try, evacuate and cuidar a nuestra gente “.

“It’s a huge escalation as in times of war,” said Biden, in a presentation at Casa Blanca, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris, the federal epidemiologist and special assessor on COVID-19, Anthony Fauci and the coordinator of the White House for Coronavirus Response, Jeff Zients.

For the video, Biden’s candidate for Salud’s secretary, Xavier Becerra, candidate for general secretary, Vivek Murphy, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, on assessor on equidity race and health, doctor Marcella Nunez-Smith, natural of the Virgin Islands.

The “National Strategy for the Response to Covid-19 and the Preparation for a Pandemic” is a 200-page document, which coincides with the Office of the Executive Order directing the reform of federal and anti-virus initiatives.

Temprano in the day, Fauci held a virtual meeting with the directives of the OMS to announce the return of the United States to the international entity, from which he has unveiled the governing body of Donald Trump.

Fauci informed the director of the OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, that the president of the company “the cards in which the previous administration’s withdrawal from the organization was withdrawn” and that the various transmissions to the OMS and the general secretary of the Organization of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres.

The Chief Epidemiologist of the United States Government, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said to have compared the OMS in representing the “Public health workers, health workers and first-time health workers, and community workers who have been working hard over the past year in contravention of COVID-19”

In another decree that aspires to recover the World Cup, Biden states that its administration “deals with the preparation for epidemics and pandemics, sanitary security and world health as the main priorities of national security, and work with 19 others. create a secure and protected world of biological resources ”.

The strategy revealed by Biden indicates that mascarillas will be required “in public transport modes and at entrance gates to the United States”.

The order with the mandate and language accurately regarding the use of mascarillas in airplanes, trains and buses, during interesting journeys, has not been disclosed to the owner of this edition, although it is known that the use of mascarillas in airports and ports.

For international travelers, the strategy indicates that COVID-19 diagnostic tests will be required for sale and quarantine for international travelers. It is not clear how the quarantine will be completed.

Biden issued the miracles, as announced, an order to require the use of mascara in federal property. También itself exhorta to the state and local governors to require the use of mascarillas for the next 100 days and the citizens have a reto for them use.

Other decrees extending the response of the federal governor, with funds from the Federal Agency for Emergency Management (FEMA), to the use of the National Guard during this crisis.

Antes de sumumir el puesto, Biden announces that it is proposed to distribute 100 million vacancies during the first 100 days and refer to Congress a “rescue plan” of $ 1.9 billion (trillions and English) to estimate the economy and wait for the emergence of health .

The recovery plan includes as many economic mediators as health, which are included in the new federal strategy against coronavirus.

For example, Biden awarded $ 350,000 million to state and local governors, with the proposal to help fund the guests of an emergency that took place over 12 months and required many more actions.

This “rescue plan” is the same as giving $ 20,000 million additional to the distribution of the vacancy and $ 170,000 million to help schools and universities recover security.

“During the past year, we have not been able to confirm that the federal governor acted with the urgency, the emphasis and the coordination that we need, and we saw the tragic cost of this fracture”, indicates Biden.

Liberado Fauci

Fauci said in an information session that a point that differs from the Biden administration of the anterior is that it is clear that “if you do not know the answer to adivinas”.

“The idea that one can come here … and say ‘that science has’, is a liberating feeling’, indicates Fauci, who was criticized by Trump when he had advertisements about the severity of emergence.

As announced during the transition, President Biden announced the numbering of Zients as federal coordinator against the COVID-19 pandemic, to monitor all the plan related to vacancies, staff production of personnel protection and diagnostic tests against the virus.

Steve Calise, Republican Minority Republican Minor, said Biden did not say that his administration “inherited contracts for 300 million vacancies for the vacancies approved and in the final phase of clinical trials,” the facilitate the truck.

Zients said, without embarrassment, that “we do not have the visibility that we want to have sober” the vacancy rate.

Biden, by the other hand, announced executive initiatives to extend the moratorium on March 31 in contravention of livelihoods and September until the break in the student prestige pageant and in the cobra of interests.

In addition, information from the United States Regression on the Paris Agreement on climate change.

On the issue of immigration, Biden ordered the cancellation of the national emergence to dismantle funds and finance the construction of a wall on the front with Mexico – one of President Trump’s presentation cards to follow – to protect it. of 650,000 young people who entered the United States of manpower without the authority of the governor (the “Soñadores”) and end with the prohibition of entry of travelers of 11 Muslim Muslim countries ((Eritrea, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Myanmar) , Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania and Yemen).

It must also include the documents in the Federal Census, suspending the deportations of 4,000 Liberians in the United States and revising the priorities of the Immigration and Control Service (ICE).

As soon as the House of Representatives, Biden has submitted to the Congress a proposal to reform the immigration laws, with the idea of ​​accelerating access to the status of undocumented people and helping Central American countries.

Otra orden executive prohíbe a nivel del goberno federal la discrimination in the labor debate on sexual orientation or gender identity.

También has also launched an initiative that establishes a ban on two years for a federal governing officer to be able to lead an Executive Officer in favor of a foreign governing body.

Despite other Trump initiatives, Biden has canceled the XL Oleoduct project, along with a revision of the interim regulations of the past administration.

Biden also annulled the Commission 1776 created by Trump, which historians support that distorts the history of slavery in the United States.
