Joe Biden Position: Joe Biden Position Ceremony in Washington | United States – EU and Canada – International

To the medium of these schools, Democrat Joe Biden will be named the 46th President of the United States en una ceremonia con pompa pero sin menigte en die verklarning van die Mall de Washington, rodeada por un depliegue de fuerzas de seguridad sin precedentes.

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Who are the guests?

It is hoped that the majority of the congressmen, the Supreme Court magistrates, Barack Obama ex-presidents and his wife, Michelle; George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, and Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, but no salient, Donald Trump, ni su esposa, Melania.

The virtual program will be directed by the African American presenter Keke Palmer and is abridged with a message from Jill Biden, the Speaker of the Elected President, directed to nieces and nephews, about the history of the EE Presidency. UU.

(Here: Biden and Trump chocan over travel restrictions in EE. UU.).

The time of the ceremony

It is hoped that Biden will read the Capitol at 11:15 a.m. when the ceremonies will begin on a paved road in the Capitol’s western facade and Leo J. O’donovan, a Jesuit priestess, pronounces a religious invocation.

Continuing, Andrea Hall, the first African-American woman to raise the rank of captain in the South Fulton Bomber Corps, Georgia, recites the Lealtad Jurisdiction.

Washington, list for Joe Biden's position

The preparations include an amplitude of security in the constituencies of the Capitol and Washington.

Who are the invited artists?

lady Gaga chanting the national anthem and poet Amanda Gorman will teach her verses for the occasion. Song by Jennifer López and Garth Brooks, then Silvester Beaman, pastor of the African Episcopal Methodist Church, will give a speech.


At 23:55 pm, the judge Sonia Sotomayor, Hispanic First Magistrate of the Supreme Court, will take over the jurisdiction of the Vice President of Kamala Harris, who will be judged by the Constitution on the Bible: one that belongs to a friend, and that is because of Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American magistrate of the Supreme.

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Apenas las campanas del reloj se mediodía, el presidente Tribunal Supremo, John Roberts, tomará el constitutional juramento que Biden pronounced with his hand on a 1893 edition of the Bible, supported by his wife.

The ceremony at the Capitol will culminate in a discourse that the new president will direct to the nation.

Washington, list for Joe Biden's position

During the night of the fairs, there was a musical and artistic spectacle that could follow in a virtual way.

Posteriormente, Biden and the first lady Jill, together with Harris and his wife, Doug Emhoff, passed away in a military formation with squadrons of four armed forces, in honor of the power transfer of power to a new commander in chief, and being transferred to the Arlington National Cemetery to relocate a floral offering in the Tumba del Soldado Unknown.

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Honorary military escorts, Biden and Jill, accompanied by Harris and Emhoff, continue in Iran White House, de la cual pocas horas antes se habrá ido el para entonces expresidente Donald Trump, who is willing to participate in the mandate transmission. During the late night celebrations and artistic performances throughout the country.

Starting at 8:30 pm Tom Hanks, Eva Longoria and Kerry Washington present and special virtual 90 minutes and el cual estarán present Bruce Springsteen, John Legend, Jon Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters, Demi Lovato, Ant Celmons, Ozuna, Luis Fonsi and Lin-Manuel Miranda, among others.


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