Joe Biden plans to turn Texas search centers into migrants’ fast-moving processing points

Structures prepared to receive a significant flow of migrants in Donna, Texas (American Border Patrol / Michael Battise / REUTERS)
Structures prepared to receive a significant flow of migrants in Donna, Texas (American Border Patrol / Michael Battise / REUTERS)

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to convert the controversial immigrant detention centers in the Texas borough to expatriate migrants’ families who have been crucified in front of the front and released in 72 hours, inform este jueves medios locales.

Follow the diary The Washington Post, which has access to drills of the plans of the Department of National Security (DHS, in English), the Governor of Biden is preparing to reach migrants who have been documented crossing the frontier of Mexico, a phenomenon that distinguishes sectoral temens can increase in the next months.

El Post cite an electronic mail sent by Russell Hott, a senior employee of the Immigration and Control Service (ICE, in English), in which notify staff about the expedited processing plan and warn that for this year it is hoped that the number of unaccompanied minors and families will be “the highest figures observed in more than 20 years”.

In the image, the President of the United States, Joe Biden (EFE / Doug Mills / Archive)
In the image, the President of the United States, Joe Biden (EFE / Doug Mills / Archive)

Consulted on the legacy of immigrant children, the vocation of the White House, Jen Psaki, admitted that “there is a large number of minors not accompanied who cross the front”.

“We believe that human beings we treat these people with humanity and guarantee that we have a safe place to be ”, agregó la portavoz, que se abstuvo de confirmmar te occupancy des los spaces destadas para albergar a estos pequeños.

In 2019, ex-president, during the administration of the ahora Donald Trump, a total of 851,508 immigrants for the indefinite period of the estadounidenses authorities después de que atravesaran la frontera de forma irregular, between them 76,020 minor editions.

Mayo de ese año marko un record of detentions, with 132,856 cases.

A UNICEF report urges action against the detention of new migrants and to give priority to the care of families and community organizations (EFE / Esteban Biba / Archivo)
A UNICEF report urges action against the detention of new migrants and to give priority to the care of families and community organizations (EFE / Esteban Biba / Archivo)

This situation led Trump to declare a emergence on the front ya implement a series of very criticized media with family separation and the revolution of the solicitors of asylum in Mexico which, combined with the so-called “Title 42”, an disposition issued as part of the response of his Gobierno to the pandemic of covid-19, lograron frenar el flujo de migrants.

The periodic version details that in the corridor Hott warns that if frontier workers continue to accommodate more than 500 families today and that the plan to use detention centers for the processing of these people “can not be enough”.

In this context, it indicates that the persons who can be taken to the rapid processing centers may be Hotels in McAllen and El Paso, Texas, as Phoenix (Arizona).

Niños migrantes toman clases in el albergue Embajadores de Jesús en Tijuana, estado de Baja California (México) (EFE / Joebeth Terriquez / Archivo)
Niños migrantes toman clases in el albergue Embajadores de Jesús en Tijuana, estado de Baja California (México) (EFE / Joebeth Terriquez / Archivo)

For the Post, la Detention of Families Supporting a “Significantly Different” Vision of the Biden Administration Facts Its Predecessors, Trump and Barack Obama (2009-2017). Especially during the governorate of the Republican magnate the Mayor of the immigrants prosecuted eran rapidly deported or liberated, but a number of them permanently detained during the months including the hope of a resolution of their cases, while families are separated in different installations. A part of the new plan, todos obtendrían la libertad tras ser prosados ​​en un plazo no burgemeester a 72 horas.

El Post also revealed that the Biden Governor wants to use the Federal Agency for Emergency Management (FEMA, in English) in Texas to help make progress in the recent infiltration of children and adolescents.

Of the persons who will be honored by the condition of the anonymous with the periodic indication that DHS officials send a congratulations to the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and that he is in the hope of agreeing to continue with assistance, which will be covered by the Federal Governor.

More than 300 minor unaccompanied minors have been detained during the last week by the Aduanas Frontier Protection and Protection (CBP) Officers andl DHS, lo que, según el Post, adds a “maximum increase of four weeks since the last season”.

With EFE information


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