The President of the United States, Joe Biden, spoke with the Russian mandate, Vladimir Putin, to whom it was necessary to downgrade the Military tension on the frontier with Ukraine, where the Kremlin has troped and made an invasion.
In the telephone conversation, el líder norteamericano reiteró la alianza “queryable” of the defense in Washington and Kiev, following the summary summarized by the governor. Also, express your preoccupation with the “Russian military repatriation in Russia and the frontiers of Ukraine”.
For its part, the governor’s report is sober about the llama indicating that both books “express their disposition to continue the dialogue in the most important areas for global security”.
Biden also le proposes a bilateral sum, but with an invitation to the White House, a meeting in a third country. Moscow confirmed the proposal, but no one said if the response was positive or negative.
Among other topics, Biden demonstrated the intention to continue the dialogues on security and armaments topics, as part of the amplification of the New START treaty.
Russia has transferred 15 bucks from Mar Caspio to Mar Negro in the midst of a new escalation of tensions with the United States, which informs the sending of war bucks to the zone in a support model in Kiev ahead of the Russian military presence on the front with Ukraine.
Following a Russian castrated communion, the movement of the 15 embassies, between the three canons and also December of December, is marked by a “routine” procedure for revising the capabilities of the Russian Forces through the end of the winter. .
The envoy of the Russian troops was caught in the middle of the rising tide of an impending invasion of the Donbás region by Moscow, which was accumulating tropes and arms on its frontiers with Ukraine. According to the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine, General Ruslan Khomchak, Russia has deployed at least 28 battalion tactical groups in the frontier region with its weapons and in the Crimea. It is approximately equal to the average of 20,000 – 25,000 soldiers.
In addition, intelligence reports showed that the Russian offensive was carrying tanks, artillery and ballistic missiles with a short range of 150 miles from its frontiers with Ukraine.
In this context, the OTAN formulates this March an advertisement in Russia on the aggravation of tensions in Ukraine, as long as the officials of the United States of America are in Brussels to discuss the situation and maintain consultations on the next steps.
“The concentration of tropes on the part of Russia [en la frontera con Ucrania] is unjustified, unexplained and deeply preoccupying ”, said the Secretary General of the Military Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, in Brussels.
The communication from the White House about the llamada
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. habló hoy con el President President Vladimir Putin de Rusia. We will discuss a series of regional and global issues, including the intention of the United States and Russia to pursue a strategic establishment dialogue on a series of emerging arms control and security issues, based on the START treatment amplification. President Biden also made it clear that United States acted in defense of its national interests in responding to Russia’s actions, such as cybernetic intrusions and electoral interference. President Biden underlined the questionable compromise of the United States with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The President expressed our concern about the Russian military repentance accumulating in the Crimea and occupying the frontiers of Ukraine, and pending Russia to rebuild tensions. President Biden reaffirmed his objective of constructing a stable and predictable relationship with Russia, coherent with the interests of the United States, and proposed a change in the pace of the months to debate the full range of United States issues.