Joe Biden made three decrees to launch his migration plan and encourage the naturalization of a few million people

Joe Biden had a demonstration for the recovery of the fin de las deportaciones (AP / archive)
Joe Biden has a new manifestation of the fin de las deportaciones (AP / archive)

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, piste este martes a su gobierno que “agilice” la naturalización un unus nueve millones de immigrant, as part of a more inclusive migration policy, traverses the line maintained by its predecessor Donald Trump.

The initiative is included in one of the three decrees that the Democratic mandate firm this March by late to return mediates from the former Republican administration that are considered “divisive”, “cruel” and contrary to the essence of the United States, dijeron altos functionaries gubernamentales.

“President Biden’s strategy is centered on the basic premise that our country is more secure, more powerful and more prosperous with a healthy, orderly and humane immigration system,” Verkalar said.

According to these facts, the executive order to “restore the fairy” in the legal immigration system helps the departments of State, Justice and Home Security “a revision of the naturalization process for agilization and making it more accessible to the more millions of immigrants who are currently using it ”to solicit citizenship.

Biden I also call for a revision of the so-called “public charge rule” created in August 2019 by Trump’s governor to deny the permanent residency card (“groen kaart”), or citizenship, to those who receive any type of social assistance.

“Basically, establishing a proof of wealth for the immigrants”, assured one of the high-ranking officials.

Another of the decrees to be completed is one of the Biden campaign promises: herenig to the families of migrants separated by the policy of “zero tolerance” restored by Trump in 2018 on the frontier with Mexico, which affected most Central American Americans.

Protest by separated immigrant families (Reuters)
Protest by separated immigrant families (Reuters)

“It is a moral phrase and a national merit that governs before the family separation as an army against families and desperate children”, says one of the leaders, underlining that this theme of family reunifications is “maximum priority” for Biden.

A workgroup will search to identify the minorities who have been permanently separated from their parents – at least 600 of the legal questions presented this year – and propose solutions to the reviewer, where all the officials, if specified, to the territory of the deportados adult adults.

There is “an individual evaluation of the factors for each family”, he said.

Biden firm also an executive order to attend the reasons that impel irregular migration to the United States. “President Trump has been so focused on the wall (with Mexico) that he has nothing to do with addressing the fundamental cause of why the people are leaning on our front,” said another official.

Biden pidió revise the Protocols for the Protection of Migrants (MPP in English), more known as “Quédate en México”, by the asylum seekers in the United States should hope for the resolution of their cases in Mexican territory.

“The MPP program is a disaster for the principle and has led to a humanitarian crisis in the northern part of Mexico”, confirms this. “What is clear about the last four years is that chaos, cruelty and confusion do not increase security,” he added.

Since the year 2019, when it is expected to implement, by December 2020, at least 70,000 people have been living in Mexico with the MPP, according to the ONG American Immigration Council.

A Latino immigrant in DHS?

Completion of these decrees will be made in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). To encamp, Biden proposes to Alejandro Mayorkas, a cadet born in Cuba in 1959 and attending very little to the United States with his family. The Senate approved this March in its designation.

Alejandro Mayorkas (Reuters)
Alejandro Mayorkas (Reuters)

Mayorkas convirtió así en el latin primer and the first immigrant to lead this card, from which the sub-secretary between 2013 and 2016 will direct the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of 2009.

In one of its first acts of governor on January 20, Biden submitted to Congress a project to legalize 11 million foreigners without papers residing in the United States, more than the Mexican and Central American ones. This ambitious migratory reform must overcome without embarrassment the retention of many Republicans.

El same day in which, as President, the Democratic firm will carry out executive orders with those who, in the midst of the media, are pushing for the construction of the Frontier Wall in Mexico. This initiative is intended to protect the deportation of hundreds of thousands of young people trades in undocumented lands when they are nine. Founded by former President Barack Obama in Trump quiso desmantelarla.

(With AFP information)

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