Joe Biden despises his wife Jill Biden with a kiss

Washington DC /

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, if he breaks down with a kiss from the first lady, Jill Biden, antes de abordar el Marine One in the White House to visit herid soldiers in Maryland.

In the backyard of the Casa Blanca, Biden had a moment with Jill and then the cubrebocas were rushing to dispatch preview to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center af Bethesda, the one who made his first journey from the one who loaded the cargo.

Photo: AP

Biden spoke to the periodicals who met at the White House and recorded that not much time has passed in this medical center as a patient and also when his wife Beau was hospitalized for a cerebral cancer.

In 1988, when he was a Delaware senator, Biden underwent surgery at this hospital for a cerebral aneurysm, which he suffered from several months ago.

Photo: AFP

In addition, when Vice President Barack Obama’s administration, he and Jill Biden visited the Navy Hospital frequently to see heralded soldiers.

In the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Biden is recovering from a coronavirus vaccination and hospitalization of hospital staff due to the fact that he was bitten by Beau during the last days of his battle with cerebral cancer in 2015.

Photo: AFP

Jill Biden participates in a reunification event for migrant families

The First Lady of the United States participates in the governing efforts of her husband to meet with the families of migrants separated by the administration of Donald Trump, announced the White House.

Agreed to one of his campaign promises, Democratic President Joe Biden plans to announce March “the launch of a working group to reunite families and nieces” migrants, announcing the speech of the White House, Jen Psaki, during a press conference.

“On the spot, Biden’s doctor, will be personally compromised and dedicated” in this team reunited with the leader of Alejandro Mayorkas, who must be confirmed as Secretary of Security Interior the moons by the Senado, added.

Jill Biden, 69, has a PhD in Education and is expected to continue teaching at a nearby Washington University, following his marriage to Casa Blanca.

In December, the future first lady visited a migrant camp in Mexico, near the Texas front. “We are a united nation, but this is not the message we send”, lamented entones.

Its tone contrasts with the Melania Trump, by former President Trump, who visited the nine migrants in 2018 with a jacket adorned with a stamp on the leerse podium: “I really do not care, do you?” (Really not imported, are you?).

This year, Trump’s governor decreed a “zero tolerance” policy on the frontier in Mexico, which involves the separation of families from families. The dramas lived by the ninth-graders will have a clamor for the Republican Party and the magnate ordered to end in June, as long as a law enforcement order reunifies the divided families.

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