The president of the stadium, Joe Biden, confirms that Monday he set the pace to make sure that all adults in the country are eligible to receive the vaccine against COVID-19, and instead asked the public to receive the dose to protect the community.
‘Amigos, notices of tengo buenas. All boys are eligible to vote, to receive the vacancy. Tenemos sufficient. You need to be protected, and you need, in your own way, to protect your children and your family. If so, please, vacunense”, Dijo in a video posted on Twitter.
Half a week ago, the mandate was issued for the first stipulated period, which is scheduled for May 1st. Various states and conditions apply to the feces and only some are obtained by hacker. Pero desde este lunes, en los 50 estados, meer Washington DC en Puerto Rico, los adultos pueden obtener un turno sin requisitos de edades, comorbilidades o puestos laborale. Each jurisdiction defines the system of turns and requirements of residence: there are differences between those who are interested and those who require a zone or state of residence.
According to estimates by the governor, 90% of the stadium residents live within a few thousand miles (even kilometers) of a evacuation center. About 40 miles of pharmacies are equipped for inoculation.
Today, the CDC reports that more than 130 million people receive at least one dose of the formula (Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, which is currently temporarily suspended), which represents more than 50% of the population adulta del país. Pfizer’s formula is approved for mayors of 16 years, while the other two are for mayors of 18 years.
United States of America has 31,638,343 registered cases and 567,210 bankruptcy cases, agreed with the Johns Hopkins University Independent Review. This balance between 20.00 local hours (00.00 GMT on Mondays) is the 335 months more than the Saturday and 42,470 new infections, if well the weeks of the week the recent is slowing down.
California is the most hit by the pandemic with 61,038 deaths, followed by New York (51,579), Texas (49,595), Florida (34,439), Pennsylvania (25,665), New Jersey (25,143) and Illinois (23,955). Other states with a large number of bankruptcies are Georgia (19,758), Ohio (18,991), Michigan (17,934), Massachusetts (17,462) and Arizona (17,153).
For its part, the Institute of Health and Evaluation of Health (IHME, in English) of the University of Washington, in models of the prediction of the evolution of the pandemic will take place at the White House, calculate that for July 1 habrán killed a 610,000 people.
The increase in new cases in the country led to the medical adviser of the Casa Blanca, Anthony Fauci, to announce the domingo that the country is in a “precarious” situation.
Although the application of the vacancy of the group Johnson & Johnson was suspended on Monday in all countries, through the cases of six women – one of the failing cults – who developed severe coagulation disorders during the injection, volverá ‘n omsendbrief, posiblemente con algunas restrictciones o advertencias sobre su uso.
“There are enough vacancies for all the stadiums. This is absolutely indisputable, ”said Biden last week.
(Information from AFP and EFE)