Joe Biden commences to arm a commission to evaluate a possible reform of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States.  Photo: Susan Walsh / Pool via REUTERS
The Supreme Court of the United States. Photo: Susan Walsh / Pool via REUTERS

The idea surpassed Joe Biden’s candidacy and establishment will be followed by Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings, the last judgment in the Supreme Court of Justice of the United States, nominated by President Donald Trump. Hoy, ya in the Casa Blanca, the actual mandate commences to give concrete form.

The Biden administration commences a process to create a commission that will explore ways to reform the maximum tribunal y, more amplified, to the federal judicial system in its conjunction. The objective is to conform to a bipartisan commission.

Casa Blanca created an office that will gather to guide and provide information to the commission, while the reconnaissance Bob Bauer, chief advocate of the Biden campaign, will offer legal assistance.

These markets are starting to know the first numbers of women and have been invited to form part of the commission. The first is Cristina Rodríguez, a professor of law at the University of Yale and former Assistant Fiscal Assistant to the Nation during the Obama administration. According to local media reports, ‘n Rodríguez le habrían ofrecido la presidencia, que seria shared with un republicano.

Caroline Fredrickson, ex president of the constituent american society, y Jack Goldsmith, a professor of law at Harvard University and former Assistant Attorney General of the Nation’s Public Prosecutor’s Office to the Bush administration, has also received offers to form part of the corps, and the most recent negotiations are advanced.

The main idea behind the campaign by Biden was to expand the Corte Suprema to include more members than the current news. In the past, Fredrickson has publicly stated his support for this concept. In an interview in 2019, he stated that “the people alone do not believe that the constitution does not define the Supreme Court as a body of new people, meaning that this number varies depending on the length of the years”.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden.  Photo: REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque
The President of the United States, Joe Biden. Photo: REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

‘N Rodríguez did not appear in public to express his views on the proceedings before the tribunal, although it is assumed that dada su cercia in the Democratic Party, estaría ‘n guns. However, Goldsmith’s design allows you to think about incorporating dissident voices.

In the past, Goldsmith has made it clear that he is not a Republican aligned with President Trump, but he has been campaigning in favor of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, which has been nominated by Trump for the first time. of the possibility of amplifying the court.

It is hoped that the committee will be composed of members between 9 and 15. During the campaign, Biden will have to consider a tribunal reform, but it is clear that he is not a fan of incorporating a large number of new juices.

“The last thing we want is to convert the Supreme Court into a political football team that has more votes than the decision. Los presidentes van y vienen, pero la Corte Suprema siempre estará asi ”, dijo Biden in an interview with the program 60 minutes the past month of October.

Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, the last two juices of the Supreme Court named by Donald Trump.  Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst / Pool
Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, the last juices of the Supreme Court are played by Donald Trump. Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst / Pool

Are all the ideas of the strangest seed, It has also disregarded the possibility that those in the court should be vital -is to say, duren de por vida- and pasen to have limits as any other political power.

Any reform approved by this commission in the last instance should be approved by the Senate and President Biden always reserve the right to veto.

During his four years at the White House, Trump nominated and signed the confirmation of three of the new juices from the Supreme Court. Many believe that the mayor will be in charge of his administration.

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