Joe Biden celebrates the approval of his economic plan to tackle the pandemic: “It’s a huge step for the EU”

The President of the EU, Joe Biden.  EFE / EPA / Doug Mills / Archive
The President of the EU, Joe Biden. EFE / EPA / Doug Mills / Archive

“I can only say that he gave us a giant step to complete the promise that he will have to the stadium members who are lying to the power 45 days ago, since the help was on the truck”, says Biden in a discourse from the Casa Blanca, however, that the Senate approves the package.

‘We calculate that this plan will result in the creation of 6 million jobs, increase our GDP by a trillion dollars and pound our country to win the rest of the world competition, because the rest of the world is moving, China in particular ”, añadió.

The rescate package included new $ 1,400 direct payments to contributors that lower inferences to $ 80,000 annually, in addition to assistance for the example and foundations for local and state Governors, vacancies and school repertoire.

“85% of state attorneys receive $ 1,400 direct payments per person,” Biden said, adding that the plan would allow it to “record infant poverty in the country.” “It’s our plan to put the virus on the truck and give it to the families who need it the most,” he recalled.

Biden insisted on the Chamber of Representatives, that it had its initial initiative in the project last week, to vote “expeditiously” to resume the Senate version, which completes the process for the president to be firm and convene. “This nation has suffered over time for so long,” he said.

It is hoped that the Cámara Baja will consider the March project approved by the Senate, with the aim that Biden will be able to do so before it accepts the next week.

The mandate dio its discourse cases of hours despout that the Senate approves the package of rescet, the third that is repealed in United States since commencing the pandemic one year.

No Republican senator voted in favor of the estimate, which was approved by an estimated margin of 50 votes to 49, a vote that Biden minimized during his comparison.

“The key is that the people of the United States support what we are doing,” Biden said, noting that various polls have shown a 60% and 70% response rate to the assessment plan.

Asimismo, the plan includes a budget of $ 350,000 for local and state governments, $ 20,000 for a national evacuation plan and another $ 50,000 for the covid-19 testing system, to be extended by September 6th. help the example, which is March 14th.

The rescued also contains funds for airlines, local transport systems and the railway network, in addition to comedy programs, help to raise or finance for the repatriation of schools.

Biden’s original proposal is for an increase of $ 15 in the minimum wage, which as of 2007 is $ 7.25 per hour, but this point has not met enough claims.

This is the third estimate of the economy that approved the Congressional Congress since the start of the crisis of covid-19, over the 900,000 million dollars that the Congress impulsed in December and the 2.2 billion dollars postponed in March of 2020, which was the mayor of the history of the country.

With EFE information


The EEUU Senate approves Biden’s USD 1.9 trillion economic plan to tackle the devastation provoked by the pandemic
