Joe and Jill Biden unveiled the success of their 43 years of matrimony | People

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, and the First Lady, Jill Biden, are adapting to their new life at Casa Blanca, where they will be taking the 20th step into their position with Donald Trump and Melania Trump. . Although it is the first time that he can be directed to her as a hogar, the presidential residence is not exempt from what the Delaware Senate has done on five consecutive occasions that Biden frequented this year during his tenure as Vice President Obama. Since then, the 46th President of the United States has made more than one executive order that includes the management of the pandemic by covid-19 has the climatic crisis following the paralysis of Mexico or the authorization of the that the LGTBI militaries can serve in the Ejército. Between projects in new markets and new agreements, Joe Biden has a clear idea of ​​his agenda to concede, along with his plan, which is his first interview since he started reading. Lo ha hecho a la revista People, a medium in which no bus can explain in detail each of its reforms, but in which it is consigned to relate jointly to what it has been its partner for 43 years of matrimony.

Exactly about the secrecy of his exit juntos hablao la pareja, que no ajena al estres that the work in politics can generate in a relationship, and both coincide in that it is support and the force mutua lo that they haque inquantables. “All the world says that matrimony is 50/50. Good, ‘n veces tiene que ser 70/30. Thanks to God that when you are really depressed, she intervenes, and when she is really depressed, you can intervene ”, he added.

The first lady, the devil, completed and signaled the passing of descriptions, especially of her martyrdom, as a great force of union: “All that we passed juntos, the altibajos and certainly the tragedy and the loss. It is said that it is said that the vultures were more powerful than the golfs that gave them life. This is what we treat to log ”. Jill Biden refers to the tragic accident of 1972 that took place with the life of the first wife of Joe Biden, Neilia, and his wife of one year, Noemi. Of that number, sorevivieron his two wives, Beau, who died in 2015 of a cerebral tumor in the 46 years, and Hunter, of 50 years, for which he has been plagued by controversy since being separated from Ejército by his additions. In addition to Hunter, Ashley was also 39 years old and the only one who had the matrimony.

But personal degradation is not the only thing that unites the presidential party. Also, Jill Biden continues to work as a university professor. Although Doctor Jill (the title of his doctorate) is independent of the classes in telematics debating the coronavirus situation, it is the first time in the history of the United States that a first lady owns her work at Casa Blanca. “It’s my passion, it’s my life,” Jill Biden assured People about the malabares that have interrupted his work as a teacher and his first lady’s work.

A decision that Joe Biden compares desde el principio. “I love that he has kept his profession. It’s very important to be an educator, even if it’s two years of descent when we go home [en junio de 1977] because the little ones are small, it is important that she is related to Independence and is dedicated to the things that are important. Sondeverbod, always sharing the sueños del otro ”.

The President has made it clear that both his abilities to develop his functions of the Independent manner, but if there are any more. “Every one of us can do our job, but it’s not as good as it used to be,” he said. “I do not believe that hubiera continues to be involved in public life without it. Jill read at one point really important and wanted to unite with my family. It is the pegamento that the mantiene united, and supe that quería casarme with her al poco de conocerla. […] None is what we call and discuss in times. Solo tengo suerte ”. “Well, after 43 years of matrimony, there really is not much more for him to play,” he concluded the first lady with a sonrisa.

In video: Jill Biden, from the second lady of the United States.(EPV / Pool / ABACA)
