Joaquín Sabina completes 72 years of tremendous recovery and is very fond of

Just a year ago Joaquín Sabina give a multidisciplinary concert in the Wizink Center of Madrid, the same thing sufrió una caida that it is obligatory to cancel the show and become an intermediary at the Ruber International Hospital.

All alarms go through the pregnancy that the singer sings, but the candle is recovered with the step of the slides. We record that the artist was operating on a cranoencephalic trauma, which in its introduction presents a traumatic homoquierdo and toracic.

Lastly, the artist’s sabbatical is “Partido a partido” a theme dedicated to the Atlético de Madrid, which Leiva and Sabina sing about with a final solidarity in the wake of the pandemic.

And it’s the benefits of the song that were destined to promote one of the benefits of the Madrileño team’s foundation for the launch of a socio-deporta football school led by men.

Also, we will not open the diary until June 2020. El País informed that the singer and his partner, Jimena Coronado, had a matrimony in the judgment of Calla Pradillo of the secret form capital.

Also read: El flechazo entre Joaquín Sabina y su esposa Jimena Coronado

Promises from now on are one year in full descaling, by surprise and without invitations, when Sabina and the Peruvian decided to formalize the relationship.

Photo: Special

Hoy, the artist of all time and the only ability to deliver to a complete stadium 72 completely recovered from that fall that Sufrió has a year and is most loved that no one walks with the love of his life has opened 9 months.

