Joaquin Phoenix protagonizes the new Ari Aster

Through the success of Erflik and Midsommar, Ari Aster has a new project. The director is preparing Teleurstelling Blvd, as he will meet Joaquin Phoenix as the protagonist.

In the 2020 finals, circular rumors begin about the Phoenix paper close to the acclaimed Joker, which won the Oscar for Best Actor. The deadline of Según, Phoenix, is the compromise of the official comments of the priest of Aster. As a sign of publication, however, A24 has produced and financed the film after having produced Erflik and Midsommar anteriorly.

The details of the tram are kept secret, although it is clear that Aster, in addition to directing, will write the guion. Sperdatum signals that the production will be “an intimate retreat, which will take decades, from one of the most time-consuming emigrants of all time”.

It was not known when the road would start, but the signal publication that it is likely that Phoenix will film Teleurstelling Blvd in front of Kitbag, Ridley Scott’s largometry will interpret Napoleon Bonaparte. Scott is currently preparing his Gucci policy thriller, so Kitbag’s production is likely to have no early principles until 2022. , que fue grabada af 2019.

Aster debuted in 2018 with Erflik, a terrorist act captured by Toni Collette that sparked a critique and garnered $ 80.2 million worldwide. In 2019, Midsommar launched, which accounts with Florence Pugh as the protagonist and raised 47.9 million in the world table.
