Joaquín Guzmán Loera: Emma Coronel: the inevitable caida of the faithful husband of El Chapo

Emma Coronel Aispuro, at the Corte de Distrito in New York, the 23rd of January 2019.
Emma Coronel Aispuro, at the Corte de Distrito in New York, the 23rd of January 2019.Drew Angerer / Getty

To pass the New York Corteur security check, please sign up stilettos. Emma Coronel, the most powerful drug addict in the world, Joaquín El chapo Guzmán, acaparó todos los focos de la prense prosa duras las 11 semanas de juicio que acabó condenando a cadena perpetua a su marido in 2019. Por su estilismo adherido a sus curvas llegó a conocerse en Estados Unidos como la Kardashian de Sinaloa. It was the place where the most sought after man, the most beautiful cape, lived. Y llegó a participant and un reality show af United States give other hereditary powers of the coronel hablaban drug empire as an inspiration. Some of them are married to Colombian or Mexican drug addicts. Pero ella era La esposa: Mrs El Chapo. This Monday, the death that he sabotage exploits some cadence television sets throughout the intimate life of the narcissist has been topped with bruises with reality. The coronel has been detained at Dulles International Airport, Virginia, where he is serving the City of Washington. It is accused of participating in international drug trafficking.

The 31-year-old coronel, with dual nationality and Mexican nationality, is facing cocaine, methane, heroin and marijuana trafficking charges, according to a statement from the United States Department of Justice. It is expected that this March will be compared by videoconference in a federal court of the District of Columbia. In addition, it has been accused of helping El Chapo execute one of the most mediated fugitives in history: his skin of the high security Mexican prison in the Altiplano, in the spring of 2015. The famous fugue with a tunnel that connects the ducha de su celda con una casa de seguridad a través de railes un un motocicleta. Following the authorities in the United States, Coronel was arrested along with Guzmán’s confidant for another escape in 2017, just before the extradition of the United States.

Coronel married Guzmán Loera at a party in a ranch. She was 17 years old and had to win the reindeer competition at the Sinaloa fair. She was 51 years old and is the mayor of the world criminal organization. Mientras ella bailaba en el rancho con su novio de entonces, un hombre se le acerco y le dijo que the lord wanted to rent with her. “By supuesto ‘, le dije yo. Because in the ranches there are only ten new teenagers who rent with all the people they invite ”, explained in an interview with the Telemundo chain. Eso y que in the context of the Mexican criminal era decirle that no al jefe de jefes salía muy caro. Coronel is the third son of Guzmán.

It is also the supremacy of Ignacio Coronel, one of the martyrs of his martyrdom. “We are not a family,” he said in the interview and ad that Guzmán is “a good man, he is not violent, he is not big, he has never seen a bad word.” Sus niñas le adoran y preguntan constantement por él ”. ‘Nee my is that traffic with drugs. I love him ”, always insists on the cameras.

The Coronel appellant was convicted in the criminal history of this country. Ignacio Coronel was also known as the King of the crystal, the number three of the Sinaloa Cartel, the El Chapo and Ismael debajo El mayo Zambada —the only member of that water group that has not yet been detained—. Coronel was responsible for the main trafficking of methanepetamines in the United States for less than 12 years, until it was dropped on July 29, 2010, in Zapopan, Jalisco, during a tiroteo with the Mexican Ejército. One of his wives, Alejandro Coronel Mardueño, probably first of Emma, ​​was first served and assigned also in 2010 when ten years ago he was beaten by his rivals, Beltrán Leyva, who committed a crime of violence in the country.

One of the most tense moments for Coronel during the trial of El Chapo will take place in January 2019. lover. In one of them, the entourage leads the Sinaloa Cartel on the petition that it buys ink for the bigot and hablaba that one of the married women, Maria Joaquina, does not have anything to lose. ‘Le voy a regalar una AK-47 [un Kalashnikov] so that you can be happy ”, bromeaba.

Emma Coronel’s speeches about the negotiation of his marriage will take place in the juice. In the messages, Joaquín Guzmán gave the daba instructions exactly about the manner in which deba would be communicated. It agrees, for example, that it uses Blackberry telephones — debit to its encrypted one — and that it is contacted by the cartel technician to help. In addition to the exchanges, Coronel told El Chapo that he wanted the police to be present at the case. “Do you have an army?”, Narco asks. She replies, “yes, a tuya, la que me diste”. Guzmán the pide that the esconda in a safe place. It is also advisable to ensure a normal life, as long as you use it to locate it. The posts will be sent between the 2011 finals and 2012 starters.

And reveal the secret to voices, the infidelity of the drug. The FBI refers to one of its collaborators, Agustina Cabanillas Acosta, who was detained in the February 2012 hearing, and whose headline is “my love”. Following the messages, El Chapo also discussed with Cabanillas Acosta about shipments and cocaine and marijuana sales in the United States.

Coronel tries to capitalize on the famine generated by his image, always in the shadow of his side, impulsive a mark of ropa and mechandising of all types: hills, sudaderas, foundations for cars and t-shirts. The number El Chapo Guzmán was presented in front of the United States Patent and Markets Office and its logo was the head of a lion next to the three words. It was not the sole responsibility of the family to create a bargain of this type and launch the competition against the other countries of the country (it has at least 10 known), Alejandrina Guzman Salazar, who has the same agreement with El Chapo 701, by the number that holds the narco in prison.

In one of the television announcements of the VH1 chain, an appearance was made to show the appearance in the reality show of Mrs. El Chapo. Supplied in the proa of a bright white yacht, Coronel aparientia sonriente, white suit with one gaffs of sun that tapaban the middle of his rostro. “When you call it a jefe jefes no puedes decir que no”, says one of the protagonists, Michael Corleone Blanco — he is the minor of the Colombian drug addict Griselda Blanco de Trujillo—. Welcome to Cartel staffing, anunciaban. “It’s a Latin vernacular, leal a su hombre”, added Blanco. These Judicial Establishments will evaluate what happened to one of the most powerful narcotics that will introduce drug addicts to the United States.

