Joan Sebastian: Is this the MILLIONARIA herencia that the song Includes in Maribel Guardia?

Hace ms de 5 aos, el mundo de la msica sufri la irreparable muerte del cantante y compositor, Joan Sebastian, quien tuvo una larga lucha contra el cncer, enfermedad que lo atac en sus ltimos aos de vida.

Now, the failure of the interpretation of “Te ir mejor sin m”, “Me gustas” and “Eso y ms” volvi a dar de qu hablar despus de que una sus susas tocara el sensible tema de la herencia.

In a communication with media, Juliana Figueroa, hya del cantante, swel that he did not receive on the part of the herenica that presumably he his father.

Despite the fact that the news goes viral, the television conductor, Maribel Guardia, experienced by Joan Sebastin, broke the silence and made sure that, at the moment, the herenia has not been repaired.

La verdad es que yo no soy Figueroa, me encantara ayudarlos y de la herencia no s absolutely absolutely nada. La herencia que yo sepa no se ha partition todava “, cont la conductora.

Presumably the singer Joan Sebastian gave a herring of 5 million dollars, which equals approximately 100 million people, in agreement with the actual value of the dollar; adems, de varias propiedades.

The heirlooms of the canting son his 6 hijos and his ltima pareja sentimenteel; breaths of the descendants of Juan Sebastian and Trigo Figueroa, hijos falecidos del cantante.
