Jimmy Fallon hosts TikTok viral dancers after setback

It was a good response.

Last week, Jimmy Fallon hired the TikToker Addison Rae The Tonight Show to promote her new music. One of the segments they did together was Addison teaching him viral TikTok dances, and the internet did not have it almost immediately.

The biggest criticism was that Jimmy Addison Rae highlighted this moment without highlighting the original creators:

@jimmyfallon @whoisaddison This would have been the perfect opportunity for you to set an example and give black creators their credit. This opportunity could have been great for them. But no, you chose to show a white girl who already has a vicious career doing this shit. It struggles, does better

Like, I understand that! Addison Rae is a big name and she was on a publicity tour for her single – but if that’s what you wanted to do, there was a way you could include the originals as well, so it did not seem like these movements of the thoughts of Addison Rae.

^^ What we ALL thought.

I will be the first to say: I do not like to give men credit, but I also give credit where credit is due. Instead of just apologizing and ~ promising to do better ~, Jimmy Fallon encouraged the creators of these viral dances and highlighted them:

Watch this video on YouTube


And last but not least, Keara Wilson, who created the “Savage” dance:

I really loved this video because A) I got to know more about the creators, and B) they got a great platform to show off their stuff!

Everyone else should take notes on how to respond to a situation like this properly.

Watch the full video to learn more about these TikTokers and follow them on the app for more great content!

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