Jim Carrey retires from political cartoons with Trump out of office

Jim Carrey is busy pulling up the hat of the artist he has worn so successfully for the past four years and hanging it with his ‘political protest cartoons’ that have contained disturbing events in the country, while he is also Donald Trump and condemned his government.

“For the past 4 years, among other things, I have put a lot of effort into this collection of political protest pictures. It really feels like you and I have crossed an ocean of outrage together … but something tells me it’s time to rest my social media hammer and regain some neurological bandwidth, ‘he said in a Saturday tweet written.

If it seemed like I was ignoring my main Twitter fans here and outside the US and Canada in my quest to free our democracy from ‘Orange Julius Caesar’ and its Empire of Lies, that was not my intention. I just assumed that a radicalized America is a threat to us all. When a crazy man grabs the wheel of the bus full of innocent passengers and threatens to drive it off a cliff, it tends to steal everyone’s focus. ”

The long statement is accompanied by a drawing of himself standing with open arms in a doorway against a blue sky. “… if I do not see you …” reads the caption. Both the drawing and the quote are reminiscent of his 1998 film “The Truman Show”.

Carrey wrapped his note with admiration and gratitude for his fans, writing: ‘You always have a sacred space in my grateful heart and will always take it. Thank you all very much for your patience, your support, your humor and your beautiful fanart. “

When Carrey first expressed his political views via Twitter on Twitter in August 2017, he said he had become a kind of activist for things he saw happening around him. And he often got himself into trouble by expressing these opinions.

“There was a lot of pressure from my management: ‘Do not confuse it. You have goodwill in the world. People love you. If you talk about politics or whatever issues, you will lose half of your audience. “I say: lose them,” he told Vulture in January 2019.

‘The hard part for me is to stop long enough to take care of the business of my life, because once I get going, all plans go away. I’m free and that’s what art is to me. It is presence and freedom in the presence. ”

Jim Carrey
