Jim Boeheim holds back the ‘sad day for our country’, noting that fans canceled tickets over previous comments

Syracuse, NY – Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim has never been one to shy away from his views on current events, and in the past he has been a critic of President Donald Trump.

But Wednesday, a day in which protesters stormed the country’s Capitol in Washington DC, Boeheim said he did not want to end up in politics because fans canceled their season tickets for Syracuse basketball games after his previous comments on the 2020 presidential election.

“It’s a sad thing,” Boeheim said. “I’m just not going to get into politics. Two people canceled their season tickets because I thought the election was over. ”

Boeheim was questioned directly by a reporter about the riots in Washington DC, following Syracuse’s game against Pittsburgh on Wednesday.

Protesters were upset about Joe Biden’s victory over Trump in the 2020 election being pushed through barricades, rushed by Capitol police and made their way to the capital building.

But in the aftermath of the game, Boeheim was relatively guarded when asked about the day’s events in Washington DC, referring to the fans who canceled their tickets.

“That’s how crazy these people are,” he said. ‘Two guys who had 38 season tickets canceled it because I said the election was over. They said, ‘No, it was not. This has been fixed. ‘

“It’s sad. It is sad for our country. It’s just a horrible, horrible thing. ‘


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