Jesús Moré is the love of Silvia Navarro’s step in ‘La Suerte de Loli’

Jesús Moré, the attractive actor who plays Salvador Bravo, the love of the past Silvia Navarro af ‘La Suerte de Loli’, has started a new stage of its life in the city of Los Angeles, California. Speaking of ending his acclaimed interpretation as Omar Terán, President of Mexico in the fiction of the afamada series ‘El Señor de los Cielos’, the story is translated into the meca of the cinema to continue with his formation and open new fireplaces in the industry.

Hoy nos recibe en su hogar, en el corazón de Hollywood, para abrir su alma en un charla en la habla, como nunca antes, acerca de la vida, del amor, de sus illusions y de su experiencecia duran la pandemia, además de we wish you were one of the first to paddle the COVID-19 through LA All exclusively for our HOLA readers! USA.

Here you can see the back of the camera from this spectacular photo session:


Jesús Moré the love of Silvia Navarro's past in LaSuerte de Loli

Jesus, we did not want to be seen on television since the end of The Lord of Heaven and we met again with Silvia Navarro in La Suerte de Loli, again in Telemundo. How did you live to see the sets?

Jesús Moré the love of Silvia Navarro's past in LaSuerte de Loli
