Jessica Newton launches Miss Peru La Pre candidate

On January 15, Jessica Newton announced the release of her Instagram account of the Miss Peruvian organization’s decision on the model Shenaaz September, who will meet as the candidate of the certamen through Miss Peru La Pre.

The justification behind the medium is to have a series of photographs in lens that the young man is part of a publicity campaign.

About her, Jessica Newton says: “Keeping in mind that he has financial responsibilities with his families, he’s doing many things, but he has all the things he needs to learn and respect. They are the first to defend their image and their body ”.

Asimismo, lie to give as a background one of the photos of Shenaaz September, the organizer of Miss Perú wrote: “This is not the image we create that we need a platform to train adolescents”.

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Shenaaz September over Miss Peru’s eviction La Pre

The model also shared his vision of the hechos through his Instagram account and shared an extended message directed to Jessica Newton, in which she concludes that she is not a minor, who was invited to participate as a candidate in Miss Peru La Pre , and that the photos were taken as part of a professional campaign.

In the same way, Jessica Newton’s words were repeated after a post rebuttal that “because of the fact that a woman wears photos in a lingerie, does not mean that she is not loved, respected”.

15.1.2021 | Shenaaz September stories about Miss Peru’s salute La Pre. Photo: Shenaaz September / Instagram

Monica Chacón clarifies the motive for the expulsion of Shenaaz September

In Instagram stories for grabs, Jessica Newton tagged on Miss. Peru 1996, Mónica Chacón de Vettori, to be the director of the modeling academy to which Shenaaz September belongs.

Precisely, the young model who published the conversations captured with Mónica Chacón via WhatsApp, gave the reindeer belleza the explanation that the cause of his retrieval was sent to two of his photographs, the guys were very explicit.

15.1.2021 | Capture of conversation between Shenaaz September and Mónica Chacón. Photo: Shenaaz September / Instagram

Shenaaz September solicita ayuda de una abogada feminista

January 16, the candidate for Miss Peru La Pre Newly retrieves his Instagram stories to solicit the help of his 12,900 followers to find a ‘feminist advocate’, you can see Jessica Newton refraining from doing so and working as a model of a denigrating form.

“I’m very clear that there are rules in every beauty contest. What molestation is what comes from me. Denigra to the women who say that by taking photos in lingerie are not loved or respected “, said Shenaaz September.

16.1.2021 | Shenaaz September’s stories pidiendo that the help to find legal assessment. Photo: captura Shenaaz September / Instagram

Jessica Newton expels Shenaaz September’s racism

Through the oil of received criticism, the director of Miss Perú assured a local media, whose decision was not made about the color of the skin as he pointed out to the ex-participant in his Instagram stories.

“What the people understand is that there is no problem and it is never related to the color of the skin of the skin. “The publication that has to deal with the years of imprisonment has a problem with skin color, its religion or sexuality,” said Jessica Newton.

Jessica Newton also sent a letter to Anyella Grados

Last year 7, Jessica Newton announced in her social speeches that Anyella Grados was not part of the Miss Peru organization.

The young man protagonized an incident inside a party. The organizer does not tolerate the scenes that go viral on the internet and the day before the exams.

What did Jessica Newton say about Anyella Grados’ eviction?

In the video of Instagram that the exreina de belleza publico, habló about the reasons for its decision.

“An error is to learn and not to repeat. All the rules of the organization must maintain the different standards of conduct and the compromise to compete in optimal conditions, from the contrary to give a step to the cost ”

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Jessica Newton is a loving representative of Miss Perú

In conversations with La República, Jessica Newton spoke about the beauty pageant and the professionals she works with.

“Fortaleza, compromise and madurez its important qualities to be a queen”, commented the director of the organization.

The beauty industry is full of years as the director of the organization. Photo: John Reyes / GLR

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