Jerome Adams, Trump’s surgeon general, questions guidance on how to get 2 Covid-19 vaccine shots

“Good protection for many (w / 1 shot) is better than good protection for some. 2000 people die a day because they can not get a 1st # covid19 shot – not because they can not get a 2nd , “Adams het in a Twitter thread. In another tweet, Adams writes, “Print all doses NOW and lean into production!”
Adams included a link to an article published by The Washington Post on Monday, in which Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical adviser to the Biden government, said the US should stick to a two-dose. for Pfizer / BioNTech and Modern vaccines.

Fauci told the newspaper there were ‘risks on both sides’ of switching to a single dose or sticking to it.

‘We tell people [two shots] is what you have to do … and then we say, ‘Oops, we’ve changed our minds’? said the top expert. ‘I think it’s going to be a message challenge, to say the least.’

Adams on Tuesday tried to clarify his comments.

‘I’m not saying it is [100 emoji] the right way to go. I say there is enough data / evidence to indicate that it is not [100 emoji] “the wrong way to go and with 2,000 people (not vaccinated) dying every day, it’s worth giving states the flexibility to try it,” he said. tweeted.
Amid the low vaccine supply, a number of experts have advocated postponing second doses in order to get more people first, and some research has suggested that a high degree of temporary protection occurs at just one dose. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and top U.S. officials have pushed back, saying it is unclear how long the protection will last, arguing that it is necessary to stick to the evidence from clinical trials.

During a discussion on vaccines Monday in the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, experts said that two doses protect people better against coronavirus variants than a single dose. U.S. health officials are concerned that the spread of more contagious variants could put the country back in its fight to bring the pandemic under control.

Although the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines have been tested as a two-dose regimen, the UK has moved to postponing second doses to get more doses to more people faster.

The FDA approved Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine over the weekend. The J&J vaccine is currently also being tested as a two-dose vaccine.
