Jennifer Lopez’s Orillas del mar

Sin lugar a dudas una de las mujeres ms importantes de la historia de la msica latina es Jennifer Lopez, quien desde que comenz su carrera de muy pequea ha cautivado a todos con su grandiosa voz. Asimismo has demonstrated a great talent for adapting to the new musical styles and vigorous vigilance in the main music lists of all the world. Adems from being a brilliant actress and that will almost certainly train a new pelcula.

And what a su faceta musical, Jennifer Lopez has confirmed that his voyage continues intact and is therefore in the last semester of the last launch of the songs together with his friend, the Colombian singer Maluma. The same thing happens “Pa ti” y “Solitary”. Ambas son sinnimo de xito ya que poseen millions of reproductions in the famous video platform Youtube as well as in Spotify.

