Jennifer López and Lady Gaga are presented as investors by Joe Biden

Lady Gaga will perform the national anthem in Jennifer López will perform a musical number in front of the Capitol in the stadium, during the judging of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the nation.

It was reported that Tom Hanks will present a 90-minute television special to celebrate Biden’s investment in starring Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, Demi Lovato and Ant Clemons.

During the adjudication ceremony, the reverend Leo O’Donovan, Chancellor of the University of Georgetown, recited the invocation, while the fidelity adjudication to the flag would be led by Andrea Hall, a Georgia bomber.

I also read poetry by Amanda Gorman, the first young laureate poet, and the reverend Silvester Beaman, from the African Episcopal Methodist Church of Bethel in Wilmington, Delaware.

The recommendation:

Washington prepares for Biden's job search
